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There are 18 nine-letter words containing C, E, F, 2O and S

CONFESSORconfessor n. One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution, but who is not martyred.
confessor n. One who confesses to having done something wrong.
confessor n. (Roman Catholicism) A priest who hears confession and then gives absolution.
CORFHOUSECORFHOUSE n. (Scots) a salmon-curing house.
FACEBOOKSfacebooks n. Plural of facebook.
facebooks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of facebook.
facebooks v. Alternative form of Facebooks.
FEROCIOUSferocious adj. Marked by extreme and violent energy.
ferocious adj. Extreme or intense.
FEROCIOUS adj. fierce.
FETOSCOPEfetoscope n. A flexible fibreoptic device used to view a foetus in the womb.
fetoscope n. A form of stethoscope for listening to the foetal heartbeat.
FETOSCOPE n. an instrument used for looking at the fetus.
FETOSCOPYfetoscopy n. An endoscopic procedure during pregnancy to allow access to the fetus, the amniotic cavity, the umbilical…
FETOSCOPY n. a procedure for viewing the fetus directly, within the uterus, also FOETOSCOPY.
FOOTPACESfootpaces n. Plural of footpace.
FOOTPACE n. (obsolete) a walking pace.
FOOTRACESfootraces n. Plural of footrace.
foot␣races n. Plural of foot race.
FOOTRACE n. a race run on foot.
FORCEOUTSforceouts n. Plural of forceout; alternative spelling of force outs.
force-outs n. Plural of force-out; alternative spelling of force outs.
force␣outs n. Plural of force out.
FORECLOSEforeclose v. (Transitive, law) To repossess a mortgaged property whose owner has failed to make the necessary payments;…
foreclose v. (Transitive, law) To cut off (a mortgager) by a judgment of court from the power of redeeming the mortgaged premises.
foreclose v. (Transitive, originally) To shut up or out; to prevent from doing something.
FOREHOCKSforehocks n. Plural of forehock.
FOREHOCK n. a foreleg cut of bacon or pork.
FORELOCKSforelocks n. Plural of forelock.
forelocks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forelock.
FORELOCK v. to fasten with a cotter-pin.
FORESHOCKforeshock n. (Geology) A small earth tremor which precedes the mainshock in an earthquake sequence. Not all mainshocks…
foreshock n. Any shock or disturbance that precedes an event.
FORESHOCK n. a minor tremor that precedes an earthquake.
FOURSCOREfourscore num. (Now archaic) Eighty.
fourscore num. (Idiomatic) A full-length life, reckoned as eighty years.
fourscore n. A quantity or amount of eighty.
MOONFACESmoonfaces n. Plural of moonface.
moon-faces n. Plural of moon-face.
moon␣faces n. Plural of moon face.
OVERFOCUSoverfocus v. To focus excessively (on a particular subject to the exclusion of others).
overfocus n. (Rare) Excessive focus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
ROOFSCAPEroofscape n. A landscape above ground formed by roofs of buildings.
ROOFSCAPE n. a view of roofs.
SOFTCOVERsoftcover adj. (Publishing, of a book) Having covers made of paper or thin cardboard; paperback.
softcover n. (Publishing) A book having such covers.
SOFTCOVER n. a paperback book.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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