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There are 20 nine-letter words containing C, D, L, 2O and T

BALDICOOTbaldicoot n. The coot (bird), with its pure white wide frontal plate.
baldicoot n. (Slang, archaic, derogatory) A monk with a shaven head.
BALDICOOT n. the coot, from its white frontal shield.
CLOUDTOWNCLOUDTOWN n. an imaginary situation or land, esp. as the result of wishful thinking, also CLOUDLAND.
COLOCATEDcolocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of colocate.
co-located v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-locate.
COLOCATE v. to group housing units together.
COLTHOODSCOLTHOOD n. the state or time of being a colt.
COLTWOODSCOLTWOOD n. (Spenser) an unidentified plant, perhaps coltsfoot.
CONDOLENTcondolent adj. Of or pertaining to condolence.
condolent adj. Compassionate.
CONDOLENT adj. expressing sympathy.
COPILOTEDcopiloted v. Simple past tense and past participle of copilot.
co-piloted v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-pilot.
COPILOT v. to pilot jointly.
COPLOTTEDcoplotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of coplot.
COPLOT v. to plot together.
COTYLEDONcotyledon n. (Physiology) Each of the patches of villi on the foetal chorion in the placenta of ruminants and some other mammals.
cotyledon n. (Botany) The leaf of the embryo of a seed-bearing plant; after germination it becomes the first leaves…
COTYLEDON n. an embryonic leaf within a seed which may act as a food reserve or which may grow and photosynthesize.
COTYLOIDSCOTYLOID n. the cavity which receives the head of the thigh bone.
DECONTROLdecontrol v. To remove controls.
decontrol n. The removal of controls.
DECONTROL v. to remove (esp. official) control from.
DOCTORIALdoctorial adj. (Dated) doctoral.
DOCTORIAL adj. of or pertaining to (the holder of) a doctorate, also DOCTORAL.
DOLCETTOSdolcettos n. Plural of dolcetto.
DOLCETTO n. (Italian) a variety of grape for making wine.
DOLOMITICdolomitic adj. (Geology) Of, pertaining to or containing dolomite.
DOLOMITIC adj. pertaining to dolomite, a carbonate sedimentary rock.
DROPCLOTHdropcloth n. A large piece of plastic or canvas put over something to protect it from construction debris or paint.
drop␣cloth n. An impermeable sheet of material meant to catch paint or other hard-to-clean substances.
DROPCLOTH n. a cloth dropped on the floor to catch drips from painting.
LOCOMOTEDlocomoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of locomote.
LOCOMOTE v. to move about.
OCTAPLOIDoctaploid adj. Alternative form of octoploid.
octaploid n. Alternative form of octoploid.
OCTAPLOID adj. eightfold.
OCTOPLOIDoctoploid adj. (Genetics) having eight complete sets of chromosomes in a single cell.
octoploid n. (Biology) a cell that has eight complete sets of chromosomes.
octoploid n. (Biology) an organism whose cells have eight complete sets of chromosomes.
OUTSCOLDSoutscolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outscold.
OUTSCOLD v. (Shakespeare) to surpass in scolding.
SCOLYTOIDscolytoid adj. (Zoology) Resembling or characteristic of the bark-beetle genus Scolytus.
scolytoid n. (Zoology) A beetle of the bark-beetle genus Scolytus.
SCOLYTOID n. a member of the Scolytidae, bark-beetles, also SCOLYTID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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