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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing C, 2O, 2S and T

COMPOSTScomposts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compost.
COMPOST v. to make into fertilizer.
CONSORTSconsorts n. Plural of consort.
consorts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of consort.
CONSORT v. to keep company.
COOLISTSCOOLIST n. a person, esp. a scientist, who does not believe in global warming and the greenhouse effect.
CYTOSOLScytosols n. Plural of cytosol.
CYTOSOL n. the fluid portion of cell material.
JOCOSESTJOCOSE adj. merry; characterized by joking.
MOSCATOSMOSCATO n. a sweet dessert wine.
OTOCYSTSotocysts n. Plural of otocyst.
OTOCYST n. an organ of balance in many invertebrates.
OUTCROSSoutcross n. The introduction of unrelated breeding stock to an existing population, especially one which is inbred or homogeneous.
outcross n. A plant or animal produced by such methods.
outcross v. (Transitive) to crossbreed different strains of a plant or animal.
POSTDOCSpostdocs n. Plural of postdoc.
post-docs n. Plural of post-doc.
POSTDOC n. one engaged in postdoctoral study.
SCHTOOKSSCHTOOK n. (Yiddish) trouble, bother, also SCHTUCK, SHTOOK, SHTUCK.
SCOOTERSscooters n. Plural of scooter.
scooters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scooter.
SCOOTER v. to travel by by a two-wheeled vehicle.
SCOTOMASscotomas n. Plural of scotoma.
SCOTOMA n. (Greek) dizziness with dimness of sight, also SCOTOMIA, SCOTOMY.
STOCIOUSstocious adj. (Ireland, slang) very drunk, intoxicated.
STOCIOUS adj. (Irish slang) drunk, intoxicated, also STOTIOUS.
TOPCROSStopcross n. A hybrid produced by crossing a superior or purebred male with an inferior female.
TOPCROSS n. a cross between a purebred male and inferior female stock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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