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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing C, L, N, R, S and U

CISLUNARcislunar adj. Situated between the Earth and the Moon.
cislunar adj. Situated below the orbit of the Moon, or equivalent distance from the Earth.
cis-lunar adj. Alternative form of cislunar.
CLUNKERSclunkers n. Plural of clunker.
CLUNKER n. a dilapidated old car.
CONSULARconsular adj. Of or pertaining to a consul, or the office thereof.
consular n. A Roman consul.
CONSULAR n. a person holding the rank of consul.
COURLANScourlans n. Plural of courlan.
COURLAN n. (French) a South American bird, allied to the rails.
CRUNKLEScrunkles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crunkle.
CRUNKLE v. to crumple.
CURLINGScurlings n. Plural of curling.
CURLING n. a sport played on ice.
LACUNARSlacunars n. Plural of lacunar.
LACUNAR n. (Latin) a sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling, also LAQUEARIA, LEQUEAR.
LECTURNSlecturns n. Plural of lecturn.
LECTURN n. (obsolete) a reading desk or support in a church, also LECTERN, LETTERN.
LUCARNESlucarnes n. Plural of lucarne.
LUCARNE n. (French) a dormer window.
LUCERNESLUCERNE n. a fodder plant, aka alfalfa, also LUCERN, LUZERN.
LUNCHERSlunchers n. Plural of luncher.
LUNCHER n. one who takes lunch.
PINCURLSPINCURL n. a curl held in place by a hairpin.
SCORNFULscornful adj. Showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous.
SCORNFUL adj. expressing contempt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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