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There are 20 eight-letter words containing C, I, N, O and 2T

CENTOISTcentoist n. One who compiles a cento, or collection of writings by various authors.
CENTOIST n. one who composes centos, poems manufactured by putting together passages of other poems, also CENTONIST.
CITATIONcitation n. An official summons or notice given to a person to appear.
citation n. The paper containing such summons or notice.
citation n. The act of citing a passage from a text, or from another person, using the exact words of the original…
CLOTTINGclotting v. Present participle of clot.
clotting n. Clotted material.
CLOTTING n. the act of coagulating.
CONCETTIconcetti n. Plural of concetto.
CONCETTO n. (Italian) an ingenious expression, a witticism.
CONFETTIconfetti n. Small pieces or strips (streamers) of colored paper or other material (metal, plaster, etc) generally…
confetti n. (Rare) Edible Italian sugar-coated almonds, especially those which are used as part of a traditional Italian wedding.
confetti v. (Transitive) To scatter with confetti.
CONTRISTcontrist v. (Transitive, obsolete) To make sad, to upset.
CONTRIST v. (obsolete) to sadden.
CONTRITEcontrite adj. Sincerely penitent or feeling regret or sorrow, especially for one’s own actions.
contrite adj. (Obsolete) Thoroughly bruised or broken.
contrite n. A contrite person; a penitent.
CORNETTIcornetti n. Plural of cornetto.
CORNETTO n. (Italian) an old woodwind instrument, now revived for performances of early music.
ENTOPTICentoptic adj. (Medicine) Located within the eyeball.
entoptic adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to visual phenomena caused by objects within the eye, or the objects themselves.
ENTOPTIC adj. within the eyeball.
OSCITANToscitant adj. Yawning; gaping.
oscitant adj. Sleepy; drowsy; sluggish; careless.
OSCITANT adj. yawning; gaping.
STENOTICstenotic adj. (Pathology) Of or pertaining to a stenosis.
STENOTIC adj. relating to a stenosis, the narrowing of an orifice.
STICTIONstiction n. (Physics) The static friction that needs to be overcome to enable relative motion of stationary objects in contact.
STICTION n. frictional force which occurs two surfaces contact.
STRONTICstrontic adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to strontium.
STRONTIC adj. containing, or designating the compounds of, strontium.
TACONITEtaconite n. A low-grade flint-like iron ore containing 20-30% iron.
TACONITE n. a low-grade iron ore.
TACTIONStactions n. Plural of taction.
TACTION n. the act of touching.
TECTONICtectonic adj. Of or relating to construction or to architecture.
tectonic adj. (Biology) Structural.
tectonic adj. (Geology) Of, relating to, or caused by large-scale movements of the Earth’s (or a similar planet’s) lithosphere.
TONETICStonetics n. (Linguistics) The use or study of intonation.
TONETICS n. the phonetic study of tone in language.
TONICITYtonicity n. (Medicine) The normal presence of tone or tension in a muscle or organ; tonus.
tonicity n. (Sciences) The ability of nonpenetrable solutes in a solution to exert an osmotic pressure upon a membrane.
TONICITY n. normal, healthy bodily condition.
TOXICANTtoxicant adj. Capable of causing damage or dysfunction by toxicity; (broadly) poisonous.
toxicant n. A toxic or poisonous substance.
TOXICANT n. a poisonous substance.
TRACTIONtraction n. The act of pulling something along a surface using motive power.
traction n. The condition of being so pulled.
traction n. Grip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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