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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing C, E, R, S, U and Y

CLUSTERYclustery adj. Growing in, or full of, clusters; like clusters.
CLUSTERY adj. growing in, or full of, clusters.
COURTESYcourtesy n. (Uncountable) Polite behavior.
courtesy n. (Countable) A polite gesture or remark, especially as opposed to an obligation or standard practice.
courtesy n. (Uncountable) Consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence.
CROUSELYcrousely adv. (Scotland) In a brisk, lively, or bold manner.
CROUSE adv. (Scots) lively.
CURSEDLYcursedly adv. In a cursed manner; miserably.
CURSED adv. wicked.
CURTSEYScurtseys n. Plural of curtsey.
curtseys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of curtsey.
CURTSEY v. to bow politely, also CURTSY.
CYNOSUREcynosure n. (Usually capitalized) Ursa Minor or Polaris, the North Star, used as a guide by navigators.
cynosure n. (Figuratively) That which serves to guide or direct; a guiding star.
cynosure n. (Figuratively) Something that is the center of attention; an object that serves as a focal point of…
CYPRUSESCYPRUS n. (obsolete) a thin transparent black fabric like crepe.
SCULLERYscullery n. (Historical) A small room, next to a kitchen, where washing up and other domestic chores are done.
SCULLERY n. a storeroom and cleaning room for utensils.
SECURELYsecurely adv. (Manner) In a secure manner; without fear or apprehension; without danger.
SECURE adv. free from danger.
SECURITYsecurity n. (Uncountable) The condition of not being threatened, especially physically, psychologically, emotionally…
security n. (Countable) Something that secures.
security n. An organization or department responsible for providing security by enforcing laws, rules, and regulations…
SPRUCELYsprucely adv. In a spruce manner; neatly and elegantly.
SPRUCE adv. smart, dapper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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