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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing C, E, N, 2O and P

CHENOPODchenopod n. Any member of the subfamily Chenopodioideae, (the main part of the sometime family Chenopodiaceae); the goosefoots.
CHENOPOD n. any flowering plant of the family Chenopodiaceae, the goosefoots.
CONTEMPOcontempo adj. (Informal) contemporary; modern.
CONTEMPO adj. contemporary.
CORNPONEcornpone n. (US, Appalachia) A form of cornbread made without milk or eggs.
cornpone n. (Derogatory) Something or someone considered stereotypical of rural, Southern US attitudes or attributes.
corn-pone n. Alternative spelling of cornpone.
GEOPONICgeoponic adj. Relating to tillage of the earth, or agriculture.
GEOPONIC adj. of or relating to agriculture, also GEOPONICAL.
HENCOOPShencoops n. Plural of hencoop.
HENCOOP n. an enclosure in which hens are kept.
PALEOCONpaleocon n. (Informal) A paleoconservative.
PALEOCON n. an extremely right-wing conservative.
PECORINOpecorino n. Any of a family of Italian hard cheeses made from ewe’s milk.
PECORINO n. (Italian) a hard cheese made from sheep's milk.
POCOSENSpocosens n. Plural of pocosen.
POCOSEN n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSIN, POCOSON.
PONCHOEDponchoed adj. Wearing a poncho.
PONCHOED adj. wearing a poncho.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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