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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing C, E, I, 2L and T

BALLETICballetic adj. Pertaining to or suitable for ballet.
BALLETIC adj. relating to ballet.
CALLTIMEcall␣time v. (UK) To announce the closing of a pub for the day.
call␣time v. (UK) To end something.
call␣time v. (Sports) To call a timeout.
CELLISTScellists n. Plural of cellist.
CELLIST n. one who plays the cello.
CHILLESTchillest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of chill.
CHILL adj. cool.
CLIENTALcliental adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to a client.
CLIENTAL adj. of or pertaining to a client.
CLITELLAclitella n. Plural of clitellum.
CLITELLUM n. (Latin) a region in the body walls of certain annelid worms.
COUTILLEcoutille n. Alternative form of coutil.
COUTILLE n. (French) a type of cotton fabric, also COUTIL.
CULTLIKEcultlike adj. Resembling a cult.
CULTLIKE adj. like a cult.
ELLIPTICelliptic adj. (Geometry) Of or pertaining to an ellipse.
elliptic adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to a broad field of mathematics that originates from the problem of calculating…
elliptic adj. (Mathematics, in combination, of certain functions, equations and operators) That has coefficients satisfying…
HELLICATHELLICAT n. (Scots) a wicked creature, also HELLCAT.
LENTICELlenticel n. One of the small, oval, rounded spots upon the stem or branch of a plant, from which the underlying…
lenticel n. A small, lens-shaped gland on the underside of some leaves.
LENTICEL n. a breathing pore in bark.
LENTICLElenticle n. A small lens or window.
lenticle n. Misspelling of lenticel.
LENTICLE n. a double convex mass.
LISTICLElisticle n. (Informal) An article based around a list.
LISTICLE n. a piece of writing based around or consisting of a list.
LOCALITElocalite n. A person from a particular area; a local.
LOCALITE n. a resident of a locality.
MELLITICmellitic adj. Of or pertaining to honey or sugar.
mellitic adj. Of or pertaining to mellite.
MELLITIC adj. containing saccharine matter; as, mellitic diabetes.
METALLICmetallic adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of metal.
metallic adj. Made of or containing metal.
metallic adj. (Of a sound) Harsh, as if coming from two metals striking one another.
TELLURICtelluric adj. Pertaining to the Earth, earthly.
telluric adj. (Chemistry) Containing tellurium in a lower valency than in tellurous compounds.
telluric n. Synonym of telluric current.
TEOCALLIteocalli n. An Aztec temple.
teocalli n. A Mesoamerican pyramid surmounted by a temple.
TEOCALLI n. (Nahuatl) an Aztec pyramid temple, also TEOPAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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