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There are 19 eight-letter words containing C, E, H, P, R and T

CHAPITERchapiter n. Obsolete form of chapter.
chapiter n. (Architecture) The capital or uppermost part of a column, upon which the roof and its decorations are supported.
chapiter n. (UK, law, obsolete) A written summary of matters to be inquired of or presented before justices in eyre…
CHAPTERSchapters n. Plural of chapter.
chapters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chapter.
CHAPTER v. to divide a book into main sections.
CHAPTRELchaptrel n. (Architecture, obsolete) An impost.
CHAPTREL n. the capital of a pillar which supports an arch.
HEPTARCHheptarch n. A heptarchist.
HEPTARCH n. a member of a heptarchy, government by seven persons.
HERPETICherpetic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to herpes, or to any herpesvirus or herpesvirus-caused disease.
HERPETIC adj. relating to herpes.
HERPETIC n. a person suffering from herpes.
PATCHERSpatchers n. Plural of patcher.
PATCHER n. one who patches.
PATCHERYpatchery n. Hypocrisy; trickery.
patchery n. That which is thrown or sown together usually clumsily or with different color and textures, like patchwork.
patchery n. (UK, India, military, historical) Living quarters for married soldiers.
PATCHIERpatchier adj. Comparative form of patchy: more patchy.
PATCHY adj. uneven in quality.
PENTARCHpentarch n. A member of a pentarchy.
PENTARCH n. a member of a pentarchy, government by five persons.
PETCHARYpetchary n. Gray kingbird (Tyrannus dominicensis).
PETCHARY n. the grey kingbird.
PHORETICphoretic adj. Of or pertaining to phoresis or to phoronts.
PHORETIC adj. relating to phoresy, an association in which one animal clings to another to ensure movement from place to place, as some mites use insects.
PHREATICphreatic adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to ground water; (volcanology) involving explosively rapid heating of ground…
PHREATIC adj. pertaining to underground waters.
PITCHERSpitchers n. Plural of pitcher.
Pitchers prop.n. Plural of Pitcher.
PITCHER n. a container for holding and pouring liquids.
PITCHIERpitchier adj. Comparative form of pitchy: more pitchy.
PITCHY adj. like pitch.
POTCHERSpotchers n. Plural of potcher.
POTCHER n. a machine that breaks and bleaches pulp.
PUTCHERSputchers n. Plural of putcher.
PUTCHER n. a wire trap for catching salmon, also PUTCHEON.
RACEPATHracepath n. A path used for racing.
RACEPATH n. a course for races.
SPITCHERSPITCHER v. (slang) to be doomed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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