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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing C, 2E, 2T and U

COQUETTEcoquette n. A woman who flirts or plays with men’s affections.
coquette n. Any hummingbird in the genus Lophornis.
coquette v. Alternative form of coquet.
CUNETTEScunettes n. Plural of cunette.
CUNETTE n. (French) a trench sunk along the middle of a dry ditch or moat, serving as a drain, also CUVETTE.
CURETTEDcuretted v. Simple past tense and past participle of curette.
CURETTE v. (French) to scrape with a surgical instrument, also CURET.
CURETTEScurettes n. Plural of curette.
CURETTE v. (French) to scrape with a surgical instrument, also CURET.
CUTLETTECUTLETTE n. a breaded patty of chopped meat.
CUVETTEScuvettes n. Plural of cuvette.
CUVETTE n. (French) a trench sunk along the middle of a dry ditch or moat, serving as a drain, also CUNETTE.
ERUCTATEeructate v. (Formal, intransitive) To burp; to belch.
ERUCTATE v. to belch out, also ERUCT.
EUTECTICeutectic adj. Describing the chemical composition or temperature of a mixture of substances that gives the lowest…
eutectic adj. (Chemistry) Describing the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions where a liquid coexists with two solid phases.
eutectic n. A material that has the composition of a eutectic mixture or eutectic alloy.
LETTUCESlettuces n. Plural of lettuce.
LETTUCE n. a herb used in salads.
TEUCHESTteuchest adj. Superlative form of teuch: most teuch.
TEUCH adj. (Scots) tough, also TEUGH.
TEUCHTERTEUCHTER n. (Scots) a derogatory term used by a Lowland Scot for a Highlander.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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