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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing C, 2E, L and 2R

CELLARERcellarer n. The person, usually in a monastery, responsible for providing food and drink.
CELLARER n. a monastery official in charge of provisions, also CELLARIST.
CEREBRALcerebral adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of, or relating to the brain, cerebrum, or cerebral cortex.
cerebral adj. Intellectual rather than emotional or physical.
cerebral adj. (Linguistics, obsolete) Retroflex.
CLEARERSclearers n. Plural of clearer.
CLEARER n. one that clears.
CLEVERERcleverer adj. Comparative form of clever: more clever.
CLEVER adj. intelligent, dexterous.
CRUELLERcrueller adj. Comparative form of cruel: more cruel.
CRUEL adj. disposed to inflict pain.
DECLARERdeclarer n. (Bridge) The person who wins the bidding and so declares what suit will be trump.
declarer n. One who declares.
declarer n. (Computer science) A statement that declares the properties of a variable or contributes to doing so.
LARCENERlarcener n. One who commits larceny, a thief.
LARCENER n. one who commits larceny, also LARCENIST.
LECTURERlecturer n. A person who gives lectures, especially as a profession.
lecturer n. A member of a university or college below the rank of assistant professor or reader.
lecturer n. (Dated) A member of the Church of England clergy whose main task was to deliver sermons (lectures) in…
PRECLEARpreclear v. (Transitive) To clear in advance.
preclear n. (Scientology) One who has not yet reached a "clear" state (in which they are free from engrams).
PRECLEAR v. to clear beforehand.
RECALLERrecaller n. One who recalls or remembers.
RECALLER n. one who recalls.
RECIRCLErecircle v. (Transitive, intransitive) To circle again.
RECIRCLE v. to circle again.
RECLINERrecliner n. One who, or that which, reclines.
recliner n. A chair hinged so that the back can be reclined for comfort.
RECLINER n. a kind of couch.
RECOILERrecoiler n. One who, or that which, recoils.
RECOILER n. one who, or that which, recoils.
RECYCLERrecycler n. A person who recycles, or a machine used to recycle.
RECYCLER n. one who recycles, also RECYCLIST.
REPLACERreplacer n. A replacement or substitute.
replacer n. One who replaces something.
REPLACER n. one who replaces.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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