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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing C, 2E, 2L and S

CADELLEScadelles n. Plural of cadelle.
CADELLE n. (French) a small black beetle.
CELLOSESCELLOSE n. a disaccharide obtained by hydrolysis of cellulose, also CELLOBIOSE.
CELLULEScellules n. Plural of cellule.
CELLULE n. a small cell.
CLUELESSclueless adj. Lacking knowledge or understanding; uninformed; oblivious.
clueless adj. Without any clues or hints.
CLUELESS adj. hopelessly confused or ignorant.
COLLEENScolleens n. Plural of colleen.
COLLEEN n. (Irish) an Irish girl.
COLLEGEScolleges n. Plural of college.
COLLEGE n. a school of higher learning.
ECHELLESechelles n. Plural of echelle.
ECHELLE n. (French) an arrangement of ribbons in the form of a ladder, decorating the front of the stomacher of a dress, etc.
ECUELLESécuelles n. Plural of écuelle.
ECUELLE n. (French) a two-handled soup bowl.
LACELESSlaceless adj. (Of shoes, basketballs, etc.) Without laces.
LACELESS adj. without a lace.
MICELLESmicelles n. Plural of micelle.
MICELLE n. a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids, also MICELL, MICELLA.
NACELLESnacelles n. Plural of nacelle.
NACELLE n. (French) a structure on the wing of an airplane containing the engine.
PUCELLESpucelles n. Plural of pucelle.
PUCELLE n. (obsolete) a slut; a maid or virgin, also PUSSEL, PUZEL, PUZZEL.
SELECTLYselectly adv. In a select manner.
SELECT adv. choice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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