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There are 17 eight-letter words containing C, D, I, O, P and R

CERCOPIDcercopid n. (Zoology) Any insect in the family Cercopidae, the froghoppers.
CERCOPID n. any member of the family Cercopidae, spittlebugs.
CUSPIDORcuspidor n. (Chiefly US) A spittoon.
CUSPIDOR n. (Portuguese) a spittoon, also CUSPIDORE.
DEPICTORdepictor n. Alternative form of depicter.
DEPICTOR n. one that depicts, also DEPICTER.
DIOPTRICdioptric adj. Acting as a medium for sight; making use of refraction (Of lenses, etc.).
dioptric adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a diopter.
dioptric adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being seen through.
DIPROTICdiprotic adj. (Chemistry, of an acid or base) Tending to donate or accept two hydrogen ions (H+) in solution.
DIPROTIC adj. (of an acid) having two transferable protons.
DROPKICKdropkick n. (Australia, derogatory, informal) An unintelligent or useless person.
dropkick n. (Soccer) kicking where the football is dropped and kicked as it touches the ground.
dropkick n. (Professional wrestling) a kick made to the opponent by leaping into the air and kicking with both feet…
HYDROPIChydropic adj. Dropsical; pertaining to or suffering from dropsy (edema).
hydropic adj. (Obsolete) Insatiably thirsty (like someone with dropsy).
hydropic adj. Swollen with water; characterized by swelling and accumulation of fluid.
PERCOIDSpercoids n. Plural of percoid.
PERCOID n. a member of the perch family, also PERCID, PERCINE.
PERIODICperiodic adj. Relative to a period or periods.
periodic adj. Having repeated cycles.
periodic adj. Occurring at regular intervals.
PICADORSpicadors n. Plural of picador.
PICADOR n. (Spanish) a matador's assistant, a mounted bullfighter with a lance.
PODAGRICpodagric adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to gout.
podagric n. (Obsolete) A person suffering from gout.
PODAGRIC adj. relating to podagra, gout, also PODAGRAL, PODAGRICAL, PODAGROUS.
PROSODICprosodic adj. Of, or relating to, prosody.
PROSODIC adj. of or pertaining to prosody, also PROSODICAL.
RECOPIEDrecopied v. Simple past tense and past participle of recopy.
RECOPY v. to copy again.
RIPCORDSripcords n. Plural of ripcord.
RIPCORD n. a cord to release a parachute.
SPORADICsporadic adj. (Archaic) (of diseases) occurring in isolated instances; not epidemic.
sporadic adj. Rare and scattered in occurrence.
sporadic adj. Exhibiting random behavior; patternless.
TRIPODICtripodic adj. Having three feet or legs.
TRIPODIC adj. relating to a tripod, also TRIPODAL.
WHIPCORDwhipcord n. A hard, twisted cord used for making whiplashes.
whipcord n. A type of catgut.
whipcord n. A strong worsted fabric, with a diagonal rib.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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