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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing C, I, O, 2S and T

CODISTScodists n. Plural of codist.
CODIST n. a codifier; a maker of codes.
CONSISTconsist v. (Obsolete, copulative) To be.
consist v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To exist.
consist v. (Intransitive, with in) To be comprised or contained.
COSIESTcosiest adj. Superlative form of cosy: most cosy.
COSY adj. snug and comfortable, also COZY.
COSMISTcosmist n. A proponent of cosmism.
COSMIST n. one who adheres to cosmism, the belief that the cosmos is a self-existing whole.
COTISEScotises n. Plural of cotise.
COTISE v. to give a heraldic border, also COTTISE.
OECISTSoecists n. Plural of oecist.
OECIST n. (historical) the founder of a colony, also OIKIST.
SCOTIASscotias n. Plural of scotia.
SCOTIA n. (Greek) a concave molding used esp. in classical architecture.
SITCOMSsitcoms n. Plural of sitcom.
sit-coms n. Plural of sit-com.
SITCOM n. (colloquial) a situation comedy.
STICHOSstichos n. A line of ordinary length in a manuscript.
stichos n. A verse or versicle, according to the Greek Orthodox Church.
STICHOS n. (Greek) a stichometric line of a manuscript; a verse.
TOCSINStocsins n. Plural of tocsin.
TOCSIN n. an alarm sounded on a bell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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