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There are 14 seven-letter words containing C, E, I, M, N and O

CENTIMOcentimo n. A cent, i.e. 1100, of certain (mainly historic) Iberian and Latin American currencies, and presently…
CENTIMO n. (Spanish) a coin and monetary unit of Spain and South America, one hundredth of the standard unit of currency.
COMBINEcombine v. (Transitive) To bring (two or more things or activities) together; to unite.
combine v. (Transitive) To have two or more things or properties that function together.
combine v. (Intransitive) To come together; to unite.
COSMINEcosmine n. A continuous layer of dentine, covered by a layer of enamel, that takes the place of scales in some ancient fish.
COSMINE n. a hard substance in fish scales, also COSMIN.
DEMONICdemonic adj. Pertaining to demons or evil spirits; demoniac.
demonic adj. Pertaining to dæmons in ancient Greek thought; concerning supernatural ‘genius’.
demonic adj. Extremely cruel or evil; abhorrent or repugnant.
ENCOMIAencomia n. Plural of encomium (“praise”).
ENCOMIUM n. (Greek) an address of praise, also ENCOMION.
ENTOMICentomic adj. (Zoology) Relating to insects; entomological.
ENTOMIC adj. of or pertaining to insects.
GENOMICgenomic adj. (Genetics) Of or pertaining to a genome.
GENOMIC adj. relating to a genome (a haploid set of chromosomes).
INCOMERincomer n. One who comes in.
incomer n. An outsider who moves to a community or a place; (used by those who consider themselves to be its original…
INCOMER n. one that comes in.
INCOMESincomes n. Plural of income.
INCOME n. money earned regularly.
MECONICmeconic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to meconium.
meconic adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to opium poppies (mecon).
MECONIC adj. denoting an acid from poppies.
MECONINmeconin n. (Chemistry) A substance regarded as an anhydride of meconinic acid, found in opium.
MECONIN n. a white, fusible, neutral substance existing in opium.
MESONICmesonic adj. Of or pertaining to mesons.
MESONIC adj. relating to the meson, a short-lived subatomic particle of smaller mass than a proton.
MIOCENEMiocene adj. (Geology) Of a geologic epoch within the Neogene period from about 23 to 5.3 million years ago; marked…
Miocene prop.n. (Geology) The Miocene epoch.
MIOCENE adj. denoting the fourth epoch of the Tertiary period.
TONEMICtonemic adj. (Linguistics) of, or relating to tonemes or a language that uses tonemes.
TONEMIC adj. relating to a toneme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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