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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing C, E, F, G and 2I

CENTRIFUGALISEDcentrifugalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of centrifugalise.
CENTRIFUGALISE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALIZE.
CENTRIFUGALISEScentrifugalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of centrifugalise.
CENTRIFUGALISE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALIZE.
CENTRIFUGALIZEDcentrifugalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of centrifugalize.
CENTRIFUGALIZE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALISE.
CENTRIFUGALIZEScentrifugalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of centrifugalize.
CENTRIFUGALIZE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALISE.
CENTRIFUGATIONScentrifugations n. Plural of centrifugation.
CENTRIFUGATION n. separation by centrifuge.
CONFIDINGNESSESCONFIDINGNESS n. the state of being confiding.
COSIGNIFICATIVEcosignificative adj. (Rare) Having the same meaning.
COSIGNIFICATIVE adj. having the same signification.
COUNTERFEITINGScounterfeitings n. Plural of counterfeiting.
COUNTERFEITING n. the act of making a counterfeit.
ELECTROFISHINGSELECTROFISHING n. fishing by stunning fish with electric shock.
FIBROCARTILAGESfibrocartilages n. Plural of fibrocartilage.
FIBROCARTILAGE n. cartilage with embedded fibres.
GENTRIFICATIONSgentrifications n. Plural of gentrification.
GENTRIFICATION n. the movement of the middle class to a working class area.
INSIGNIFICANCESinsignificances n. Plural of insignificance.
INSIGNIFICANCE n. the state of being insignificant, also INSIGNIFICANCY.
INSIGNIFICATIVEinsignificative adj. Not expressing meaning; not significant.
INSIGNIFICATIVE adj. not significative or expressing by external signs.
OVERCLASSIFYINGoverclassifying v. Present participle of overclassify.
OVERCLASSIFY v. to classify to excess.
PERFECTIONATINGperfectionating v. Present participle of perfectionate.
PERFECTIONATE v. to bring to perfection.
RECONFIGURATIONreconfiguration n. A reconfigured state.
reconfiguration n. The act of reconfiguring.
RECONFIGURATION n. the act of reconfiguring.
SIGNIFICATIVELYsignificatively adv. In a significative manner.
SIGNIFICATIVE adv. significant, suggestive.
SUFFICINGNESSESSUFFICINGNESS n. the state of being sufficing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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