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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing C, 4O and T

CORROBORATIONScorroborations n. Plural of corroboration.
CORROBORATION n. corroboration.
EPIZOOTIOLOGICepizootiologic adj. Relating to epizootiology.
EPIZOOTIOLOGIC adj. relating to epizootiology.
MONOCHROMATORSmonochromators n. Plural of monochromator.
MONOCHROMATOR n. a device for isolating a narrow portion of a spectrum.
MONOCOTYLEDONSmonocotyledons n. Plural of monocotyledon.
MONOCOTYLEDON n. a plant having a single cotyledon, also MONOCOT, MONOCOTYL.
MYCOTOXICOLOGYmycotoxicology n. The study of mycotoxins.
MYCOTOXICOLOGY n. the study of fungal poisons.
MYCOTOXOLOGIESMYCOTOXOLOGY n. the study of mycotoxins.
NONCOOPERATIONnoncooperation n. The active absence of cooperation.
non-cooperation n. Alternative spelling of noncooperation.
NONCOOPERATION n. failure or refusal to cooperate.
NONCOOPERATORSnoncooperators n. Plural of noncooperator.
NONCOOPERATOR n. one who does not cooperate.
OOPHORECTOMIESoophorectomies n. Plural of oophorectomy.
oöphorectomies n. Plural of oöphorectomy.
OOPHORECTOMY n. the operation of removing one or both of the ovaries, aka ovariotomy.
OOPHORECTOMISEoophorectomise v. Alternative form of oophorectomize.
OOPHORECTOMISE v. to perform an oophorectomy, removal of one or both ovaries, also OOPHORECTOMIZE.
OOPHORECTOMIZEoophorectomize v. (Surgery) To perform, or to undergo an oophorectomy.
OOPHORECTOMIZE v. to perform an oophorectomy, removal of one or both ovaries, also OOPHORECTOMISE.
OPISTHOCOELOUSopisthocoelous adj. Concave behind; applied especially to vertebrae in which the anterior end of the centrum is convex and…
OPISTHOCOELOUS adj. hollow or concave behind, as e.g. a vertebra is, also OPISTHOCOELIAN.
PHOTOCOMPOSERSphotocomposers n. Plural of photocomposer.
PHOTOCOMPOSER n. one who photocomposes.
PHOTOCOMPOSINGphotocomposing v. Present participle of photocompose.
PHOTOCOMPOSE v. to set (as reading matter) by photocomposition.
PHOTOCONDUCTORphotoconductor n. A material, or a device, that exhibits or utilizes photoconductivity.
PHOTOCONDUCTOR n. a photoconductive substance.
PHYTOSOCIOLOGYphytosociology n. (Ecology) The study of the ecology, classification and distribution of plant communities.
PHYTOSOCIOLOGY n. a branch of ecology dealing with plant communities.
SOCIOBIOLOGISTsociobiologist n. A biologist whose speciality is sociobiology.
SOCIOBIOLOGIST n. one who studies sociobiology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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