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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing C, F, N, S and 2U

CIRCUMFLUENCEScircumfluences n. Plural of circumfluence.
CIRCUMFLUENCE n. a flowing round.
INFRASTRUCTUREinfrastructure n. (Systems theory) An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system.
infrastructure n. The basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society.
INFRASTRUCTURE n. the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization).
MANUFACTURINGSmanufacturings n. Plural of manufacturing.
MANUFACTURING n. the manufacturing section of industry.
MULTIFUNCTIONSmultifunctions n. Plural of multifunction.
REMANUFACTURESremanufactures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of remanufacture.
REMANUFACTURE v. to manufacture into a new product.
SCROFULOUSNESSscrofulousness n. State of being morally degenerate or corrupt.
SCROFULOUSNESS n. the state of being scrofulous.
SUCCESSFULNESSsuccessfulness n. The state or condition of being successful.
SUCCESSFULNESS n. the state of being successful.
UNCHEERFULNESSuncheerfulness n. The state or condition of being uncheerful.
UNCHEERFULNESS n. the state of being uncheerful.
UNGRACEFULNESSungracefulness n. The state or condition of being ungraceful.
UNGRACEFULNESS n. the state of being ungraceful.
UNMERCIFULNESSunmercifulness n. The state or condition of being unmerciful.
UNMERCIFULNESS n. the state of being unmerciful.
UNSUCCESSFULLYunsuccessfully adv. Not successfully; without success; to no avail.
UNSUCCESSFUL adv. not successful.
UNWATCHFULNESSunwatchfulness n. The quality of being unwatchful.
UNWATCHFULNESS n. the state of being unwatchful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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