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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 10 fourteen-letter words containing C, E, T and 3U

COUNTERCULTUREcounterculture n. Any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture…
counter␣culture n. Alternative spelling of counterculture.
COUNTERCULTURE n. a culture with values and mores that run counter to those of established society.
CUCURBITACEOUScucurbitaceous adj. Pertaining to the gourd family, including cucumbers, pumpkins etc.
CUCURBITACEOUS adj. resembling a cucumber or a squash.
SUBCUTANEOUSLYsubcutaneously adv. Under the cutaneous layer of the skin.
SUBCUTANEOUS adv. beneath the skin.
SUPERSTRUCTUREsuperstructure n. (Nautical) Any structure built above the top full deck (FM 55-501).
superstructure n. Any material structure or edifice built on something else; that which is raised on a foundation or basis.
superstructure n. (Sometimes figurative) All that part of a building above the basement.
ULTRASTRUCTUREultrastructure n. (Biology) The fine, detailed structure of a biological specimen that can only be observed by electron microscopy.
ULTRASTRUCTURE n. biological structure and esp. fine structure, as of a cell, not visible through an ordinary microscope.
UNACCULTURATEDunacculturated adj. Not acculturated.
UNACCULTURATED adj. not acculturated.
UNBUREAUCRATICunbureaucratic adj. Not bureaucratic; without bureaucracy.
UNBUREAUCRATIC adj. not bureaucratic.
UNCTUOUSNESSESUNCTUOUSNESS n. the state of being unctuous.
UNMANUFACTUREDunmanufactured adj. Not manufactured.
UNMANUFACTURED adj. not manufactured.
USUFRUCTUARIESusufructuaries n. Plural of usufructuary.
USUFRUCTUARY n. a person who has the use or enjoyment of something, esp. property.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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