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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing C, F, 2L and 2R

CORALLIFEROUScoralliferous adj. Producing coral.
CORALLIFEROUS adj. bearing coral.
COROLLIFLORALcorollifloral adj. (Botany) Having the stamens borne on the petals, and the latter free from the calyx.
COROLLIFLORAL adj. belonging to the Corolliflorae, also COROLLIFLOROUS.
ELECTROFLUORSELECTROFLUOR n. a transparent material that stores electrical energy and subsequently releases it as light.
FLORICULTURALfloricultural adj. Of or pertaining to floriculture.
FLORICULTURAL adj. relating to floriculture.
FLORICULTURESfloricultures n. Plural of floriculture.
FLORICULTURE n. the cultivation and management of ornamental and esp. flowering plants.
FLUOROURACILSfluorouracils n. Plural of fluorouracil.
FLUOROURACIL n. a fluorine-containing pyrimidine base used as a neoplastic agent to treat some kinds of cancer.
MICROFILARIALmicrofilarial adj. Relating to the microfilariae.
MICROFILARIA adj. the minute larval form of a filarial worm.
OVERCAREFULLYovercarefully adv. In an overcareful manner.
REPROACHFULLYreproachfully adv. In a reproachful manner.
REPROACHFUL adv. reproving.
RESOURCEFULLYresourcefully adv. In a resourceful manner.
RESOURCEFUL adv. able to meet situations.
SCALARIFORMLYscalariformly adv. In a scalariform manner.
SCALARIFORM adv. shaped like a ladder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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