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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing C, I, 2S, T and X

CHEMOTAXISESCHEMOTAXIS n. orientation of an animalcule relative to a chemical substance.
COEXISTENCEScoexistences n. Plural of coexistence.
COEXISTENCE n. existence together.
COEXTENSIONScoextensions n. Plural of coextension.
COEXTENSION n. the act of coextending.
EXACTINGNESSexactingness n. The state of being exacting.
EXACTINGNESS n. the state of being exacting.
EXCLUSIONISTexclusionist n. A person who advocates the exclusion of someone or something.
exclusionist adj. Of or pertaining to an exclusionist, or to exclusionism.
EXCLUSIONIST n. one who would exclude another from some right or privilege.
EXCLUSIVISTSexclusivists n. Plural of exclusivist.
EXCLUSIVIST n. a believer in exclusivism.
EXCURSIONISTexcursionist n. A person who goes on an excursion; a traveller or tourist.
EXCURSIONIST n. a person who goes on an excursion.
EXOTERICISMSEXOTERICISM n. the state of being exoteric.
EXOTICNESSESEXOTICNESS n. the state of being exotic.
EXPISCATIONSexpiscations n. Plural of expiscation.
EXPISCATION n. the act of expiscating.
EXPLICITNESSexplicitness n. The state or characteristic of being explicit.
EXPLICITNESS n. the state of being explicit.
EXSICCATIONSexsiccations n. Plural of exsiccation.
EXSICCATION n. the act of exsiccating.
EXTRINSICALSextrinsicals n. Plural of extrinsical.
EXTRINSICAL n. an extrinsic thing.
HEXASTICHONSHEXASTICHON n. a poem or stanza of six lines, also HEXASTICH.
INEXISTENCESinexistences n. Plural of inexistence.
INEXISTENCE n. (archaic) nonexistence, also INEXISTENCY.
POSTEXERCISEpostexercise adj. That follows exercise (physical activity).
POSTEXERCISE adj. taking place after exercise.
SEXTODECIMOSsextodecimos n. Plural of sextodecimo.
SEXTODECIMO n. a book size 5 5/8 in. x 4 3/8 in. (abbreviated as 16mo.), also SIXTEENMO.
SPECTATRIXESspectatrixes n. Plural of spectatrix.
SPECTATRIX n. a female spectator, also SPECTATRESS.
TOXOCARIASESTOXOCARIASIS n. a disease caused by parasitic worms.
TOXOCARIASIStoxocariasis n. A zoonotic, helminthic infection of humans caused by roundworms of the genus Toxocara.
TOXOCARIASIS n. a disease caused by parasitic worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 43 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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