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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing C, E, I, O, Q and S

CHLOROQUINESchloroquines n. Plural of chloroquine.
CHLOROQUINE n. a drug used to suppress malaria, also CHLOROQUIN.
CINQUECENTOSCINQUECENTO n. (Italian) the 16th century, esp. in reference to Italian art and architecture.
COEQUALITIEScoequalities n. Plural of coequality.
COEQUALITY n. the state of being on an equality, as in rank or power.
COQUETTISHLYcoquettishly adv. In a coquettish manner, flirtatiously.
COQUETTISH adv. practicing or exhibiting coquetry; alluring.
COREQUISITEScorequisites n. Plural of corequisite.
COREQUISITE n. a formal course of study required to be taken simultaneously with another.
CROQUIGNOLESCROQUIGNOLE n. a method used in waving the hair by winding it on curlers from the ends of the hair toward the scalp.
DISCOTHEQUESdiscotheques n. Plural of discotheque.
discothèques n. Plural of discothèque.
DISCOTHEQUE n. a place or event at which recorded pop music is played for dancing.
DULCILOQUIESDULCILOQUY n. a soft manner of speaking.
EQUINOCTIALSequinoctials n. Plural of equinoctial.
EQUINOCTIAL n. an equinoctial gale.
EQUIVOCACIESequivocacies n. Plural of equivocacy.
EQUIVOCACY n. equivocal character.
EQUIVOCATORSequivocators n. Plural of equivocator.
EQUIVOCATOR n. one who equivocates.
INCONSEQUENTinconsequent adj. (Archaic) Alternative form of inconsequential.
inconsequent adj. Illogical; not following from the premises.
INCONSEQUENT adj. lacking reasonable sequence.
MONCHIQUITESmonchiquites n. Plural of monchiquite.
MONCHIQUITE n. a fine-grained rock composed of olivine and augite.
QUINDECAGONSquindecagons n. Plural of quindecagon.
QUINDECAGON n. a geometric figure having fifteen sides and fifteen angles.
SEQUACIOUSLYsequaciously adv. By a logically developed argument.
sequaciously adv. With blind acceptance.
SEQUACIOUS adv. intellectually servile, unthinkingly following others.
SILIQUACEOUSsiliquaceous adj. (Botany) Having siliques.
SILIQUACEOUS adj. of or like a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
UNCOQUETTISHuncoquettish adj. Not coquettish.
UNCOQUETTISH adj. not coquettish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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