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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2C, G, I, M and T

ACCUMULATINGaccumulating v. Present participle of accumulate.
ACCUMULATE v. to gather or pile up esp. little by little.
CIRCUMGYRATEcircumgyrate v. (Intransitive) To move around something.
circumgyrate v. (Transitive) To cause to move around something; to cause to orbit.
circumgyrate v. (Intransitive) To turn in a circle around an axis or fixed point.
CLEISTOGAMICcleistogamic adj. Alternative form of cleistogamous.
CLEISTOGAMIC adj. relating to cleistogamy, the production of small inconspicuous closed self-pollinating flowers additional to and often more fruitful than showier ones on the same plant, also CLEISTOGAMOUS.
CLIMATOLOGICclimatologic adj. Of or pertaining to climatology.
CLIMATOLOGIC adj. relating to climatology, also CLIMATOLOGICAL.
COMPLICATINGcomplicating v. Present participle of complicate.
COMPLICATE v. to combine esp. in an involved manner.
GALACTOSEMICgalactosemic n. One who has galactosemia.
galactosemic adj. Having or relating to galactosemia.
GALACTOSEMIC adj. relating to galactosemia, the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSAEMIC.
METAGALACTICmetagalactic adj. Of or pertaining to a metagalaxy.
METAGALACTIC adj. relating to a metagalaxy.
MISCEGENETICmiscegenetic adj. Of, pertaining to, or being miscegenation; interracial (said primarily of marriages and other sexual…
MISCEGENETIC adj. relating to miscegenation.
MOTORCYCLINGmotorcycling n. The activity or hobby of travelling on a motorcycle.
motorcycling v. Present participle of motorcycle.
MOTORCYCLING n. the act of riding by motorcycle, a two-wheeled motor vehicle.
RECOMPACTINGrecompacting v. Present participle of recompact.
RECOMPACT v. to compact or join anew.
THIGMOTACTICthigmotactic adj. Relating to thigmotaxis.
THIGMOTACTIC adj. showing thigmotaxis.
TRAGICOMICALtragicomical adj. Having the characteristics of a tragicomedy.
TRAGICOMICAL adj. part tragic, part comic, also TRAGICOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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