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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing C, G, 2I, L and V

CAVALIERINGcavaliering v. Present participle of cavalier.
CAVALIER v. to behave haughtily.
COGNITIVELYcognitively adv. Relating to thinking (cognition).
COGNITIVE adv. capable of, or pertaining to, cognition.
COLLIGATIVEcolligative adj. (Chemistry, physics) Describing any property that depends only on the number of molecules present.
COLLIGATIVE adj. depending on the number of particles (as molecules) and not on the nature of the particles.
CONNIVINGLYconnivingly adv. In a conniving manner.
CULTIVATINGcultivating v. Present participle of cultivate.
CULTIVATE v. to till or produce by tillage.
DECEIVINGLYdeceivingly adv. In a deceiving manner.
DECEIVING adv. deceptive.
GANCICLOVIRganciclovir n. (Pharmacology) An antiviral medication C9H13N5O4 related to acyclovir and used especially to treat or…
LARVICIDINGlarviciding n. The application of larvicide.
LARVICIDE v. to kill larvae.
OUTCAVILINGOUTCAVIL v. to surpass in caviling.
VACILLATINGvacillating v. Present participle of vacillate.
vacillating adj. Liable to vacillate.
vacillating n. Vacillation.
VELLICATINGvellicating v. Present participle of vellicate.
vellicating adj. Causing vellication; irritating or tickling.
VELLICATE v. to twitch, pluck.
VICTIMOLOGYvictimology n. The study of the victims of crime, and especially of the reasons why some people are more prone to be victims.
VICTIMOLOGY n. the study of victims.
VICTUALLINGvictualling v. Present participle of victual.
victualling n. (Especially nautical, military) The process of supplying food.
victualling n. (Especially nautical, military) Provisions of food.
VIROLOGICALvirological adj. Of or pertaining to virology.
VIROLOGICAL adj. relating to virology, the study of viruses, also VIROLOGIC.
VOLCANISINGvolcanising v. Present participle of volcanise.
VOLCANISE v. to subject to the action of volcanic heat, also VOLCANIZE.
VOLCANIZINGvolcanizing v. Present participle of volcanize.
VOLCANIZE v. to subject to the action of volcanic heat, also VOLCANISE.
VULCANISINGvulcanising v. Present participle of vulcanise.
VULCANISE v. to change the properties of, as caoutchouc, or India rubber, by the process of vulcanization, also VULCANIZE.
VULCANIZINGvulcanizing v. Present participle of vulcanize.
VULCANIZE v. to change the properties of, as caoutchouc, or India rubber, by the process of vulcanization, also VULCANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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