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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing C, F, L, S and 2U

CALCIFUGOUScalcifugous adj. Synonym of calcifugal.
CALCIFUGOUS adj. like a calcifuge, a plant that will not tolerate limy soil, also CALCIFUGAL.
CAMOUFLEURScamoufleurs n. Plural of camoufleur.
CAMOUFLEUR n. (French) a person or animal skilled in the art of camouflage.
CULMIFEROUSculmiferous adj. (Mineralogy) Containing, or abounding in, culm or glance coal.
culmiferous adj. (Botany) Having jointed stems or culms.
CULMIFEROUS adj. bearing coaldust.
DULCIFLUOUSdulcifluous adj. Flowing sweetly.
DULCIFLUOUS adj. flowing sweetly.
FERULACEOUSferulaceous adj. Pertaining to reeds and canes.
ferulaceous adj. Having a stalk like a reed.
FERULACEOUS adj. like a cane or reed.
FOLLICULOUSfolliculous adj. Having or producing follicles.
FOLLICULOUS adj. like a follicle, also FOLLICULOSE.
FRUCTUOUSLYfructuously adv. (Archaic) fruitfully.
FRUCTUOUS adv. fruitful.
FUGACIOUSLYfugaciously adv. In a fugacious way.
FUGACIOUS adv. lasting a short time, evanescent.
FURUNCULOUSfurunculous adj. Furuncular.
FURUNCULOUS adj. of or pertaining to boils, also FURUNCULAR.
LACTIFLUOUSlactifluous adj. Flowing with milk.
LACTIFLUOUS adj. flowing with milk.
PERSULFURICpersulfuric adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to persulfuric acid.
PERSULFURIC adj. denoting a type of acid, also PERSULPHURIC.
RESOURCEFULresourceful adj. Capable or clever; able to put available resources to efficient or ingenious use; using materials at…
RESOURCEFUL adj. able to meet situations.
SCUTTLEFULSscuttlefuls n. Plural of scuttleful.
SCUTTLEFUL n. the contents of a scuttle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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