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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing C, F, H, N, O and T

BEACHFRONTSbeachfronts n. Plural of beachfront.
BEACHFRONT n. a strip of land that fronts a beach.
FIANCHETTOSfianchettos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fianchetto.
FIANCHETTO n. (Italian) in chess, the development of bishop on the N2 diagonal.
FORTHCOMINGforthcoming adj. (Not comparable) Approaching or about to take place.
forthcoming adj. Available when needed; in place, ready.
forthcoming adj. Willing to co-operate or provide information; candid, frank, responsive.
FUCOXANTHINfucoxanthin n. (Organic chemistry) A carotenoid pigment found in the chloroplasts of brown algae.
FUCOXANTHIN n. a brown carotenoid pigment occurring esp. in the chloroplasts of brown algae.
FURTHCOMINGFURTHCOMING n. in Scots law, an action brought by an arrester against the arrestee and the common debtor after an arrestment in order that the arrested money or property be delivered to the arrester.
SONOFABITCHsonofabitch n. Alternative spelling of son of a bitch.
son-of-a-bitch n. (Derogatory, slang) Alternative spelling of son of a bitch.
son␣of␣a␣bitch n. (Derogatory, slang, vulgar) An objectionable, despicable person.
TECHNOFEARStechnofears n. Plural of technofear.
TECHNOFEAR n. (colloquial) an irrational fear of technology.
THENCEFORTHthenceforth adv. From that time on.
THENCEFORTH adv. from that time forward.
TRICHLORFONtrichlorfon n. Metrifonate.
TRICHLORFON n. a crystalline compound used esp. as an insecticide, also TRICHLORPHON.
WHENCEFORTHwhenceforth adv. (Formal) From which place, time, or point forth; forth from which; onward from which.
whenceforth adv. (Formal, interrogative) Forth from what place, time, or point; onward from what place, time, or point.
WHENCEFORTH adv. (Spenser) whence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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