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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing C, D, 2L, M and O

CALMODULINScalmodulins n. Plural of calmodulin.
CALMODULIN n. a protein found in plant and animal cells.
CAUDILLISMOcaudillismo n. The type of government ruled by a caudillo.
CAUDILLISMO n. the doctrine or practice of a caudillo.
COMEDICALLYcomedically adv. In a comedic manner; using comedy.
COMEDIC adv. of or relating to comedy.
COMPTROLLEDcomptrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of comptrol.
COMPTROLL v. (obsolete) to control, esp. in a financial sense, also CONTROL, CONTROUL, COUNTROL.
DEMONICALLYdemonically adv. In a demonic way.
DEMONICAL adv. of or like a demon, also DEMONIACAL, DEMONIC.
HOMICIDALLYhomicidally adv. In a homicidal manner.
homicidally adv. For the purpose of committing homicide.
HOMICIDAL adv. related to homicide.
LEUCODERMALLEUCODERMAL adj. relating to leucoderma, a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMIC, LEUKODERMAL.
MALOCCLUDEDmaloccluded v. Simple past tense and past participle of malocclude.
MALOCCLUDED adj. exhibiting malocclusion.
MEDICOLEGALmedicolegal adj. Of, or pertaining to, both medicine and law, as for example with the legal implications of a medical…
MEDICOLEGAL adj. of or relating to both medicine and law.
MELODICALLYmelodically adv. In a melodic manner.
MELODIC adv. pertaining to melody.
MILLISECONDmillisecond n. One one-thousandth of a second. Symbol: ms.
MILLISECOND n. a thousandth part of a second.
MOLLUSCOIDSmolluscoids n. Plural of molluscoid.
MOLLUSCOID n. a member of a now abandoned division of invertebrates of the Molluscoidea, Polyzoa and brachiopods.
MOLLYCODDLEmollycoddle n. (Now rare) A person, especially a man or a boy, who is pampered and overprotected.
mollycoddle v. (Transitive) To be overprotective and indulgent toward; to pamper.
MOLLYCODDLE n. an effeminate man.
MONADICALLYmonadically adv. In a monadic manner; as a monad or by means of monads.
MONADICAL adv. of, pertaining to, or like, a monad, in any of its senses, also MONADIC.
MONODICALLYmonodically adv. As a monody; in the monodic style.
MONODICAL adv. of or like a monody, a mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner, also MONODIC.
NOMADICALLYnomadically adv. In a nomadic way.
NOMADIC adv. like a nomad.
PSALMODICALpsalmodical adj. Alternative form of psalmodic.
PSALMODICAL adj. relating to a psalmody, also PSALMODIC.
UNCOMPELLEDuncompelled adj. Not compelled; voluntary.
UNCOMPELLED adj. not compelled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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