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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing 2C, O, T and 2U

ACCUMULATORaccumulator n. (Literally) One who, or that which, accumulates.
accumulator n. (Britain) A wet-cell storage battery.
accumulator n. (Gambling) A collective bet on successive events, with both stake and winnings being carried forward…
CAOUTCHOUCScaoutchoucs n. Plural of caoutchouc.
CAOUTCHOUC n. (Quechua) un-vulcanized natural rubber.
CHOUCROUTESCHOUCROUTE n. (French) pickled cabbage.
COCULTURINGcoculturing v. Present participle of coculture.
COCULTURE v. to grow (two or more organisms) in the same growing medium or culture.
CONJUNCTUREconjuncture n. A combination of events or circumstances; a conjunction; a union.
conjuncture n. A set of circumstances causing a crisis; a juncture.
CONJUNCTURE n. a juncture.
COUNTERCOUPcountercoup n. A coup which seeks to overthrow the government installed by a previous coup.
COUNTERCOUP n. a coup in return.
CRUSTACEOUScrustaceous adj. Resembling a crustacean.
crustaceous adj. Hard, thin and brittle.
CRUSTACEOUS adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, a crust or hard integument, esp. of lichens.
CUNCTATIOUScunctatious adj. (Formal) Tending to delay or linger.
NOCTILUCOUSnoctilucous adj. (Obsolete) Shining in the night; luminescent.
NOCTILUCOUS adj. shining in the dark, often used of clouds that are luminous at night, also NOCTILUCENT.
UNACCOUNTEDunaccounted adj. Not accounted.
UNACCOUNTED adj. not accounted.
URTICACEOUSurticaceous adj. Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants, Urticaceae, of which the nettle is the type.
URTICACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like nettles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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