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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2C, D, I, N and U

BUCCANIEREDbuccaniered v. Simple past tense and past participle of buccanier.
BUCCANIER v. to act as a buccaneer, a pirate, originally of the Spanish-American coasts; an unscrupulous adventurer, also BUCCANEER.
COEDUCATIONcoeducation n. The education of male and female students in the same institution.
COEDUCATION n. the education of students of both sexes at the same institution.
CONDUCINGLYCONDUCING adv. CONDUCE, to contribute to a result.
CONDUCTIBLEconductible adj. Able to conduct (Heat, electricity, etc.).
conductible adj. Able to be conducted or transmitted.
CONDUCTIBLE adj. that can be conducted.
CONDUCTIONSconductions n. Plural of conduction.
CONDUCTION n. heat transport by direct transfer of energy from one particle to another, without moving the particle to a new location.
COPRODUCINGcoproducing v. Present participle of coproduce.
co-producing v. Present participle of co-produce.
COPRODUCE v. to produce in consort with.
DECLUTCHINGdeclutching v. Present participle of declutch.
DECLUTCH v. to release the clutch.
ENCINCTUREDencinctured v. Simple past tense and past participle of encincture.
ENCINCTURE v. to girdle.
ENDOCUTICLEendocuticle n. (Biology) The inner, elastic layer of the cuticle of an insect.
ENDOCUTICLE n. the inner layer of the cuticle of an insect.
INDUCTANCESinductances n. Plural of inductance.
INDUCTANCE n. the property of inducing an electromotive force by variation of current in a circuit.
LEUCOCIDINSleucocidins n. Plural of leucocidin.
LEUCOCIDIN n. a bacterial substance that destroys white blood cells, also LEUKOCIDIN.
MISCONDUCTSmisconducts n. Plural of misconduct.
misconducts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misconduct.
MISCONDUCT v. to conduct wrongly.
SUBLICENCEDSorry, definition not available.
UNCALCIFIEDuncalcified adj. Not calcified.
UNCALCIFIED adj. not calcified.
UNCONCEIVEDunconceived adj. Not conceived.
UNCONCEIVED adj. not conceived.
UNCONDUCIVEunconducive adj. Not likely to produce or support some desired outcome.
UNCONDUCIVE adj. not conducive.
UNCONVICTEDunconvicted adj. Who has not been convicted.
unconvicted v. Simple past tense and past participle of unconvict.
UNCONVICTED adj. not convicted.
UNCONVINCEDunconvinced adj. Not convinced or lacking conviction.
unconvinced v. Simple past tense and past participle of unconvince.
UNCONVINCED adj. not convinced.
UNPRACTICEDunpracticed adj. Not practiced; inexperienced.
unpracticed adj. Not carried out in practice; not usually done.
UNPRACTICED adj. not practiced, also UNPRACTISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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