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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing C, M, R, S, T and Y

ASYMMETRICasymmetric adj. Not symmetric.
asymmetric adj. (Cryptography) Not involving a mutual exchange of keys between the sender and receiver.
asymmetric adj. (Set theory) Of a relation R on a set S: having the property that for any two elements of S (not necessarily…
COSMOLATRYcosmolatry n. Worship paid to the world.
cosmolatry n. Worship of the cosmos.
COSMOLATRY n. worship of the world.
CRYOMETERScryometers n. Plural of cryometer.
CRYOMETER n. an instrument for measuring low temperatures, also KRYOMETER.
CRYPTOGAMScryptogams n. Plural of cryptogam.
CRYPTOGAM n. a plant reproducing by spores and not seeds, e.g. ferns, mosses, fungi etc.
CRYPTONYMScryptonyms n. Plural of cryptonym.
CRYPTONYM n. a code name or secret name.
CYTOMETERScytometers n. Plural of cytometer.
CYTOMETER n. an instrument for counting cells.
EURYTHMICSeurythmics n. A rhythmic interpretation of music with graceful, free-style dance movements.
EURYTHMICS n. a system of rhythmic and harmonious movement, also EURHYTHMICS.
LYSIMETRIClysimetric adj. Carried out by means of a lysimeter.
LYSIMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by a lysimeter.
MACROCYSTSmacrocysts n. Plural of macrocyst.
MACROCYST n. an unusually large cyst.
MACROCYTESmacrocytes n. Plural of macrocyte.
MACROCYTE n. an abnormally large red blood corpuscle.
MAGISTRACYmagistracy n. The dignity or office of a magistrate.
magistracy n. The collective body of magistrates.
MAGISTRACY n. the office or dignity of a magistrate.
MICROCYTESmicrocytes n. Plural of microcyte.
MICROCYTE n. an unusually small red blood cell.
MYDRIATICSmydriatics n. Plural of mydriatic.
MYDRIATIC n. a substance causing dilatation of the pupil of the eye.
MYRTACEOUSmyrtaceous adj. Characteristic of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) of plants.
MYRTACEOUS adj. belonging to the myrtle family of plants.
MYTHICISERmythiciser n. Alternative form of mythicizer.
MYTHICISER n. one who mythicises, also MYTHICIZER.
SCLEROTOMYsclerotomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure of cutting, or making an incision in the sclera.
SCLEROTOMY n. an incision into the sclera.
SOCIOMETRYsociometry n. The quantitative study of social interactions, and the measurement of preferences etc.
SOCIOMETRY n. the study of sociological relationships and attitudes, esp. as expressed by preferences.
STRYCHNISMstrychnism n. Alternative form of strychninism.
STRYCHNISM n. strychnine poisoning, also STRYCHNINISM.
SYNCRETISMsyncretism n. (Chiefly religion) The (attempted) reconciliation or fusion of different systems or beliefs.
syncretism n. (Linguistics) The fusion of different inflexional forms.
SYNCRETISM n. the reconciliation or union of conflicting beliefs or an effort intending such; a flagrant compromise in religion or philosophy.
VISCOMETRYviscometry n. Measurement of the viscosity of liquids.
VISCOMETRY n. the measurement of viscosity, also VISCOSIMETRY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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