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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 7 ten-letter words containing C, L, 2M and 2U

AMBULACRUMambulacrum n. (Of an echinoderm) A row of pores for the protrusion of appendages such as tube feet.
AMBULACRUM n. a radial band in the shell of an echinoderm, bearing rows of pores through which the tube-feet protrude.
COLUMBIUMScolumbiums n. Plural of columbium.
COLUMBIUM n. a rare element of the vanadium group, now more commonly called niobium.
COMPLUVIUMcompluvium n. (Architecture) A space left unroofed over the court of a dwelling in Ancient Rome, through which the…
COMPLUVIUM n. (Latin) a space left unroofed over the court of a Roman dwelling, through which the rain fell into the impluvium or cistern.
CUMULIFORMcumuliform adj. Having the shape of a cumulus cloud.
CUMULIFORM adj. shaped like a heap, esp. of a cloud.
NUMMULITICnummulitic adj. (Geology) Pertaining to or consisting of nummulites, especially as designating a type of Eocene limestone formation.
NUMMULITIC adj. of, like, composed of, containing, nummulites; as, nummulitic beds.
SIMULACRUMsimulacrum n. An image or representation.
simulacrum n. A faint trace or semblance.
SIMULACRUM n. (Latin) an image, a semblance, also SIMULACRE.
UMBRACULUMumbraculum n. (Botany) Any umbrella-shaped appendage, such as the cap borne on the seta of Marchantia.
UMBRACULUM n. (Latin) an umbrella or umbrella-like structure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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