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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing C, H, 2N and 2O

CHRONOTRONCHRONOTRON n. a device for measuring very small time intervals.
CONCHIOLINconchiolin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of proteins which, together with polysaccharides and calcium carbonate…
CONCHIOLIN n. a fibrous protein substance that forms the basic structure of the shell of molluscs.
COONHOUNDScoonhounds n. Plural of coonhound.
coon␣hounds n. Plural of coon hound.
COONHOUND n. a dog trained to hunt raccoons, also COONDOG.
CORNICHONScornichons n. Plural of cornichon.
CORNICHON n. (French) a small pickled gherkin.
FINNOCHIOSFINNOCHIO n. (Italian) a dwarf variety of fennel, also FINOCCHIO, FINOCHIO.
HARMONICONharmonicon n. (Dated, music) The harmonica.
harmonicon n. (Historical) An acoustic apparatus that produces a musical note when a long dry tube, open at both ends…
INCHOATIONinchoation n. A beginning or origin.
INCHOATION n. the act of beginning.
MONOPHONICmonophonic adj. (Of sound reproduction) having a single channel; monaural (compare stereophonic).
monophonic adj. (Music) having a single melodic line and no harmony (compare polyphonic).
monophonic adj. (Orthography) having simple one-to-one mapping between letters and phonemes.
SCONCHEONSsconcheons n. Plural of sconcheon.
SCONCHEON n. the inner part of a door jamb or window frame, also SCOINSON, SCONTION, SCUNCHEON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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