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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing C, H, K, L and 2O

BLOCKHOLESblockholes n. Plural of blockhole.
BLOCKHOLE n. the place where a batsman rests his bat.
BLOCKHOUSEblockhouse n. A sturdy military fortification, often of concrete, with gunports.
blockhouse n. A reinforced building from which to control hazardous operations, such as an explosion or a rocket launch.
blockhouse n. (Dated) A temporary wooden fortification with a projecting upper story.
CHALKBROODchalkbrood n. A fungal disease of honey bees that gives the bodies of affected larvae a white and chalky appearance.
CHOKECOILSchokecoils n. Plural of chokecoil.
CHOKECOIL n. a choking coil.
CHOKEHOLDSchokeholds n. Plural of chokehold.
choke-holds n. Plural of choke-hold.
choke␣holds n. Plural of choke hold.
HOLLYHOCKShollyhocks n. Plural of hollyhock.
HOLLYHOCK n. a plant of the mallow family.
KLOOCHMANSkloochmans n. Plural of kloochman.
KLOOCHMAN n. (Native American) a Native American woman, wife or squaw, also KLOOCH, KLOOTCH, KLOOTCHMAN.
KLOOTCHMANklootchman n. (US, Canada, western dialects) Woman, wife (especially if Native American).
KLOOTCHMAN n. (Native American) a Native American woman, wife or squaw, also KLOOCH, KLOOCHMAN, KLOOTCH.
KLOOTCHMENklootchmen n. Plural of klootchman.
KLOOTCHMAN n. (Native American) a Native American woman, wife or squaw, also KLOOCH, KLOOCHMAN, KLOOTCH.
LOCKHOUSESlockhouses n. Plural of lockhouse.
LOCKHOUSE n. a lockkeeper's house.
SCHOOLBOOKschoolbook n. A textbook, a book used, or prepared for use, in school.
school␣book n. Alternative spelling of schoolbook.
SCHOOLBOOK n. a school textbook.
SCHOOLKIDSschoolkids n. Plural of schoolkid.
SCHOOLKID n. a child who attends school.
SCHOOLWORKschoolwork n. Work done for school, including both in class and homework.
SCHOOLWORK n. lessons done in class or assigned to be done at home.
SOLONCHAKSsolonchaks n. Plural of solonchak.
SOLONCHAK n. (Russian) a pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions.
WORKAHOLICworkaholic n. A person who feels compelled to work excessively, including while at home.
workaholic adj. In the nature or manner of a workaholic.
WORKAHOLIC n. one who is excessively fond of work.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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