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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing C, F, 2I and 2L

BIFACIALLYbifacially adv. With, or so as to have, two faces.
BIFACIAL adv. having two faces.
CLINGFILMSclingfilms n. Plural of clingfilm.
cling␣films n. Plural of cling film.
CLINGFILM n. thin plastic film that adheres to surfaces, used esp. for wrapping and covering foods.
FALSIDICALfalsidical adj. (Logic) Having a false basis.
FALSIDICAL adj. conveying a meaning that is false.
FIDUCIALLYfiducially adv. With confidence.
FIDUCIAL adv. showing confidence or reliance.
FILCHINGLYfilchingly adv. By means of petty theft.
FILCHING adv. thieving.
FILMICALLYfilmically adv. In a filmic manner.
FILMIC adv. pertaining to motion pictures.
FLAMINICALflaminical adj. Pertaining to a flamen.
FLAMINICAL adj. pertaining to a flamen, a priest of a Roman deity.
FOLLICULINfolliculin n. (Biochemistry) oestrone.
folliculin n. (Biochemistry) A protein associated with tumour suppression.
FOLLICULIN n. another name for oestrone.
MALEFICIALmaleficial adj. (Archaic) injurious, damaging.
MALEFICIAL adj. (archaic) injurious, also MALEFICENT.
OFFICIALLYofficially adv. In an official manner; according to official rules or regulations.
officially adv. (Slang) Thoroughly, completely.
OFFICIAL adv. sanctioned by authority.
PROLIFICALprolifical adj. (Dated) Producing young or fruit abundantly; prolific; fruitful.
PROLIFICAL adj. producing young or fruit abundantly.
SALVIFICALsalvifical adj. (Archaic) pertaining to salvation.
SALVIFICAL adj. (obsolete) having the purpose or intention of saving, also SALVIFIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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