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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing C, E, 2G and 2N

ANGIOGENICangiogenic adj. Relating to angiogenesis.
angiogenic adj. Of or pertaining to blood vessels.
ANGIOGENIC adj. relating to angiogenesis, the development of blood vessels and heart tissue in the embryo.
CHANGELINGchangeling n. (European folklore, also figurative) In pre-modern European folklore: an infant of a magical creature…
changeling n. (By extension) A person or object (especially when regarded as inferior) secretly exchanged for something else.
changeling n. (By extension, informal, rare) An infant secretly exchanged with another infant deliberately or by mistake;…
CONGEALINGcongealing v. Present participle of congeal.
CONGEAL v. to change from a fluid to a solid.
CONGESTINGcongesting v. Present participle of congest.
CONGEST v. to fill to excess.
CONGREEINGcongreeing v. Present participle of congree.
CONGREE v. (archaic) to agree.
CONGREGANTcongregant n. A member of a congregation.
CONGREGANT n. a member of a congregation, esp. a Jewish one.
CONVERGINGconverging adj. Approaching each other at a point; convergent.
converging v. Present participle of converge.
converging n. Convergence.
CRINGELINGcringeling n. One who cringes and fawns; a submissive toady.
CRINGELING n. a person who cringes.
ENCHARGINGencharging v. Present participle of encharge.
ENCHARGE v. (archaic) to entrust.
EXCHANGINGexchanging v. Present participle of exchange.
EXCHANGE v. to give and receive reciprocally.
GENLOCKINGgenlocking v. Present participle of genlock.
GENLOCKING n. maintaining synchronization between two signals using the genlock technique.
NEGLECTINGneglecting v. Present participle of neglect.
NEGLECT v. to treat carelessly.
NEGLIGENCEnegligence n. The state of being negligent.
negligence n. (Law, singular only) The tort whereby a duty of reasonable care was breached, causing damage: any conduct…
negligence n. (Law, uncountable) The breach of a duty of care: the failure to exercise a standard of care that a reasonable…
OCEANGOINGoceangoing adj. Travelling out to sea.
oceangoing adj. (Nautical, of a vessel) designed for use on ocean voyages.
ocean-going adj. (Nautical) Designed and equipped to be capable of sailing on an ocean.
RECHANGINGrechanging v. Present participle of rechange.
RECHANGE v. to change again.
SCAVENGINGscavenging v. Present participle of scavenge.
scavenging adj. That eats carrion.
scavenging n. (Gerund) The act of searching through refuse for useful material.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 31 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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