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There are 19 ten-letter words containing C, 3E, M and P

COMPETENCEcompetence n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being competent, i.e. able or suitable for a general role.
competence n. (Countable) The quality or state of being able or suitable for a particular task; the quality or state…
competence n. (Linguistics) The system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language, as opposed…
CREEPMOUSEcreepmouse adj. (Mildly derogatory) Timid and unassuming in the extreme.
creepmouse n. (Mildly derogatory) An extremely timid and unassuming person.
CREEPMOUSE n. an informal tickling game played with small children.
ELECAMPANEelecampane n. A tall Eurasian herb, Inula helenium, whose roots have been used medicinally.
ELECAMPANE n. a composite plant formerly much cultivated for its medicinal root, also ALYCOMPAINE.
EMPACKETEDempacketed v. Simple past tense and past participle of empacket.
EMPACKET v. to pack up.
EMPLEACHEDempleached v. Simple past tense and past participle of empleach.
EMPLEACH v. to intertwine, also IMPLEACH.
EMPLEACHESempleaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of empleach.
EMPLEACH v. to intertwine, also IMPLEACH.
EPIMELETICepimeletic adj. (Biology) Relating to altruistic behaviour towards an injured animal.
EPIMELETIC adj. of a type of social behaviour in which the young are cared for by other individuals of the same species e.g. worker bees.
ESCAPEMENTescapement n. (Clocks, mechanics) The contrivance in a timepiece (winding wristwatch) which connects the train of…
escapement n. A mechanism found in devices such as a typewriter or printer which controls lateral motion of the carriage.
escapement n. An escape or means of escape.
IMPENDENCEimpendence n. Alternative form of impendency.
IMPENDENCE n. (obsolete) the state of impending; also, that which impends, also IMPENDENCY.
MOUSEPIECEMOUSEPIECE n. (dialect) part of a hindleg of beef, next to the round.
PEACEMAKERpeacemaker n. A person who restores peace, especially by settling disputes.
peacemaker n. (Non-native speakers’ English, medicine) Misconstruction of pacemaker.
Peacemaker n. An early type of American revolver, particularly the Colt 1873 Single Action Army model.
PEACETIMESpeacetimes n. Plural of peacetime.
PEACETIME n. a period of time between wars.
PERMANENCEpermanence n. The state of being permanent.
permanence n. (Physics) The reciprocal of magnetic inductance.
PERMANENCE n. the state of being permanent, also PERMANENCY.
PERMEANCESpermeances n. Plural of permeance.
PERMEANCE n. the property of allowing the passage of lines of magnetic flux.
PIECEMEALSpiecemeals n. Plural of piecemeal.
PIECEMEAL v. to divide or distribute piecemeal.
RECOMPENCErecompence n. Obsolete form of recompense.
recompence v. Obsolete form of recompense.
RECOMPENCE n. (obsolete) a reward, a compensation, also RECOMPENSE.
RECOMPENSErecompense n. An equivalent returned for anything given, done, or suffered; compensation; reward; amends; requital.
recompense n. That which compensates for an injury, or other type of harm or damage.
recompense v. To reward or repay (someone) for something done, given etc.
TEMPERANCEtemperance n. Habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence of the natural appetites and passions; restrained or…
temperance n. Moderation, and sometimes abstinence, in respect to using intoxicating liquors.
temperance n. Moderation of passion.
TIMEPIECEStimepieces n. Plural of timepiece.
time-pieces n. Plural of time-piece.
TIMEPIECE n. any kind of clock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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