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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing C, D, H, I, L and N

BALDACHINObaldachino n. Alternative form of baldacchin.
BALDACHINO n. a rich embroidered material, originally woven with woof of silk and warp of gold thread, also BALDACHIN, BALDAQUIN, BAUDEKIN, BAWDKIN.
BALDACHINSbaldachins n. Plural of baldachin.
BALDACHIN n. a rich embroidered material, originally woven with woof of silk and warp of gold thread, also BALDACHINO, BALDAQUIN, BAUDEKIN, BAWDKIN.
BRAINCHILDbrainchild n. A creation, original idea, or innovation, usually used to indicate the originators.
brainchild v. (Transitive, rare) To think up; to come up with.
BRAINCHILD n. a product of one's creative imagination.
CANDLEFISHcandlefish n. An oily edible fish, Thaleichthys pacificus, from the northern Pacific, that was once dried and used…
CANDLEFISH n. a marine fish, allied to the smelt, found on the north Pacific coast, aka eulachon, so named because it is so oily that, when dried, it may be used as a candle, by drawing a wick through it.
CHANDELIERchandelier n. A branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling.
chandelier n. (Auction) A fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction.
chandelier n. (Obsolete, military) A portable frame used to support temporary wooden fences.
CHILOPODANCHILOPODAN n. a member of the order Chilopoda, which contains the centipedes, also CHILOPOD.
CHRONICLEDchronicled v. Simple past tense and past participle of chronicle.
CHRONICLE v. to record as a chronicle.
CONCHOIDALconchoidal adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to a conchoid; that may be defined as a conchoid.
conchoidal adj. (Mineralogy, of a fracture) Irregular, with planar, concentric curves, similar to those on a mussel shell.
conchoidal adj. (Mineralogy, of a mineral) That fractures with planar concentric curves (e.g., as flint, chert or obsidian).
DIACHYLONSdiachylons n. Plural of diachylon.
DIACHYLON n. formerly a plaster of plant juices; now lead-plaster, also DIACHYLUM.
ENCHILADASenchiladas n. Plural of enchilada.
ENCHILADA n. (Spanish) a Mexican dish consisting of a rolled stuffed tortilla cooked with a chilli-flavoured sauce.
ENDOLITHICendolithic adj. Within rock.
ENDOLITHIC adj. living within or penetrating deeply into stony substances, e.g. endolithic lichens.
GRANDCHILDgrandchild n. A child of someone’s child.
GRANDCHILD n. the child of one's son or daughter.
HYMNODICALHYMNODICAL adj. relating to a hymnody.
SCHEDULINGscheduling v. Present participle of schedule.
scheduling n. (Uncountable) A function in many aspects of industry, commerce and computing in which events are timed…
scheduling n. (Countable) The time at which a particular event is scheduled.
UNCHILDINGunchilding v. (Archaic) present participle of unchild (“removing a child from a parent; disowning”).
unchilding adj. (Archaic) Life-threatening, life-taking.
UNCHILD v. (Shakespeare) to change from being a child.
UNCLINCHEDunclinched adj. Not clinched.
UNCLINCH v. to open from a clenched position, also UNCLENCH.
WINDCHILLSwindchills n. Plural of windchill.
wind␣chills n. Plural of wind chill.
WINDCHILL n. the cooling effect that wind has as it blows on a surface.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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