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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2C, N, R and 2U

CARUNCULARcaruncular adj. Of, relating to, or like, a caruncle.
caruncular adj. Furnished with caruncles.
CORNICULUMcorniculum n. (Anatomy) A small horn-like part or process.
CORNICULUM n. (Latin) a small hornlike part or process.
CURCUMINEScurcumines n. Plural of curcumine.
CURCUMINE n. the saffron-yellow colouring matter of turmeric, used esp. in food colouring, also CURCUMIN.
CURLICUINGcurlicuing v. Present participle of curlicue.
CURLICUE v. to decorate with fancy spiral figures, also CURLYCUE.
GLUCURONICglucuronic adj. (Biochemistry) Of or pertaining to glucuronic acid or its derivatives.
GLUCURONIC adj. as in glucuronic acid, a soluble compound derived from glucose.
SUCCOURINGsuccouring v. Present participle of succour.
SUCCOUR v. to go to the aid of, also SUCCOR.
TRUCULENCEtruculence n. The state of being truculent; eagerness to fight; ferocity.
TRUCULENCE n. the state of being truculent, aggressive and discourteous, also TRUCULENCY.
TRUCULENCYtruculency n. (Uncountable) Truculence.
truculency n. (Countable) A truculent remark or behaviour.
TRUCULENCY n. the state of being truculent, also TRUCULENCE.
UNCHURCHEDunchurched adj. Who does not generally attend church.
UNCHURCH v. to expel from a church.
UNCHURCHESunchurches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unchurch.
UNCHURCH v. to expel from a church.
UNCHURCHLYunchurchly adj. Not churchly; unbefitting a church; impious, heretical, etc.
UNCHURCHLY adj. not churchly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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