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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2C, H, M, O and S

ACCOMPLISHaccomplish v. (Transitive) To finish successfully.
accomplish v. (Transitive) To complete, as time or distance.
accomplish v. (Transitive) To execute fully; to fulfill; to complete successfully.
BEACHCOMBSbeachcombs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beachcomb.
beachcombs n. Plural of beachcomb.
BEACHCOMB v. to wander along a beach looking for useful objects.
CALIMOCHOScalimochos n. Plural of calimocho.
CALIMOCHO n. (Spanish) a cocktail popular in Spanish-speaking countries, consisting of a mixture of cola and red wine.
CHECKROOMScheckrooms n. Plural of checkroom.
CHECKROOM n. (US) a cloakroom, a luggage room.
CHROMATICSchromatics n. (Music) Chromatic harmonies or notes.
chromatics n. (Optics) The science of colours; the branch of optics that deals with the properties of colours.
CHROMATICS n. the science of colors; that part of optics which treats of the properties of colors.
CINCHONISMcinchonism n. A pathological condition in humans caused by an overdose of quinine or its natural source, cinchona bark.
CINCHONISM n. a condition produced by the excessive or long-continued use of quinine.
COLCHICUMScolchicums n. Plural of colchicum.
COLCHICUM n. a flowering plant.
CROSSMATCHcrossmatch v. (Pathology) To test whether the blood of a donor and recipient are compatible.
crossmatch n. (Pathology) A test of whether the blood of a donor and recipient are compatible.
ECCHYMOSEDecchymosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ecchymose.
ECCHYMOSED adj. affected by ecchymosis.
ECCHYMOSESecchymoses n. Plural of ecchymosis.
ECCHYMOSIS n. discoloration of the skin due to effusion of blood into tissue.
ECCHYMOSISecchymosis n. A skin discoloration caused by bleeding underneath the skin, especially one that is remote from a site…
ECCHYMOSIS n. discoloration of the skin due to effusion of blood into tissue.
ISOCHASMICisochasmic adj. Indicating equal auroral display.
ISOCHASMIC adj. indicating equal auroral display; as, an isochasmic line.
ISOCHEIMICISOCHEIMIC adj. relating to an isocheim, a line connecting points of same average winter temperature.
MACCHIATOSmacchiatos n. Plural of macchiato.
MACCHIATO n. (Italian) espresso coffee served with a dash of hot or cold milk.
MATCHLOCKSmatchlocks n. Plural of matchlock.
MATCHLOCK n. an early form of gun.
MICROCHIPSmicrochips n. Plural of microchip.
microchips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microchip.
MICROCHIP n. a chip of silicon.
MISCHOICESmischoices n. Plural of mischoice.
MISCHOICE n. a wrong choice.
SCARAMOUCHScaramouch prop.n. Alternative form of Scaramouche.
SCARAMOUCH n. a bragging cowardly buffoon, also SCARAMOUCHE.
SCARAMOUCH v. to behave like a rascal or cowardly fool.
STOMACHICSstomachics n. Plural of stomachic.
STOMACHIC n. a stomachic medicine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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