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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2C, E, M, R and Y

CLEROMANCYcleromancy n. Divination by casting lots (sortilege).
cleromancy n. Divination by throwing dice or any such marked objects, like beans, pebbles, or bone.
CLEROMANCY n. divination using dice.
CORDECTOMYcordectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of a cord, especially that of the vocal cord.
CORDECTOMY n. the surgical removal of a vocal cord.
CRYOMETRICcryometric adj. Of or relating to cryometry, or measured using a cryometer.
CRYOMETRIC adj. relating to the measurement of low temperatures.
CYBERCRIMEcybercrime n. Crime committed using computer networks.
cybercrime n. An individual crime of this kind.
CYBERCRIME n. computer-related crime.
CYCLOMETERcyclometer n. (Cycling) A device that counts the revolutions of a bicycle wheel in order to indicate distance travelled.
cyclometer n. An instrument for measuring circular arcs.
cyclometer n. (Historical) A machine used to decrypt Enigma machine ciphers.
CYCLOMETRYcyclometry n. (Geometry) The measurement of circles.
CYCLOMETRY n. measurement by use of a cyclometer, an instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel.
CYTOCHROMEcytochrome n. Any of various related hemoproteins found in the cells of most organisms, which are an important part…
CYTOCHROME n. any of a group of substances in living cells, of great importance in cell oxidation.
CYTOMETRICcytometric adj. Of or pertaining to cytometry.
CYTOMETRIC adj. relating to cytometry, the counting of cells.
MACROCYCLEmacrocycle n. (Chemistry) a cyclic macromolecule, or a macrocyclic portion of a molecule.
macrocycle n. In sports training, an annual plan that works towards peaking for the goal competition of the year.
MACROCYCLE n. a macrocyclic organic molecule or compound.
MACROCYTESmacrocytes n. Plural of macrocyte.
MACROCYTE n. an abnormally large red blood corpuscle.
MEDIOCRACYmediocracy n. (Informal) A social hierarchy in which the mediocre prevails.
MEDIOCRACY n. government by the mediocre; a system within which mediocrity is rewarded.
MICROCYTESmicrocytes n. Plural of microcyte.
MICROCYTE n. an unusually small red blood cell.
MISCREANCYmiscreancy n. Alternative form of miscreance.
MISCREANCY n. (Spenser) false religious belief, also MISCREANCE, MISCREAUNCE.
MOTORCYCLEmotorcycle n. An open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel, and having two (or sometimes three) wheels.
motorcycle v. (Intransitive) To ride a motorcycle.
motor-cycle n. Dated form of motorcycle.
NECROMANCYnecromancy n. Divination involving the dead or death.
necromancy n. Loosely, any sorcery or witchcraft, especially involving death or the dead, particularly sorcery involving…
necromancy n. (Internet) Synonym of necroposting.
PREMYCOTICpremycotic adj. Of or pertaining to a phase of mycosis fungoides in which the patient has areas of red, scaly, itchy…
PREMYCOTIC adj. taking place before mycosis, disease due to the growth of a fungus.
RECUMBENCYrecumbency n. (Archaic) recumbence.
RECUMBENCY n. the state of being recumbent, also RECUMBENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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