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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2C, 3E and O

COHERENCEScoherences n. Plural of coherence.
COHERENCE n. a tendency to cohere, also COHERENCY.
COMPETENCEcompetence n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being competent, i.e. able or suitable for a general role.
competence n. (Countable) The quality or state of being able or suitable for a particular task; the quality or state…
competence n. (Linguistics) The system of linguistic knowledge possessed by native speakers of a language, as opposed…
CONFERENCEconference n. The act of consulting together formally; serious conversation or discussion; interchange of views.
conference n. (Politics) A multilateral diplomatic negotiation.
conference n. (Sciences) A formal event where scientists present their research results in speeches, workshops, posters…
COPRESENCEcopresence n. The situation of being copresent.
COPRESENCE n. presence together.
ECOMMERCESECOMMERCE n. business conducted on the internet.
ECOSPECIESecospecies n. Ecotype.
ECOSPECIES n. a group of ecotypes.
ECOTECTUREecotecture n. Architecture of an environmentally-friendly kind.
ECOTECTURE n. a type of architecture based on concern for ecological principles such as sustainability and environmental impact.
GEOSCIENCEgeoscience n. Earth science.
GEOSCIENCE n. a science, such as geology, which deals with some aspect of the earth.
RECOMMENCErecommence v. To begin again.
RECOMMENCE v. to commence again.
RECOMPENCErecompence n. Obsolete form of recompense.
recompence v. Obsolete form of recompense.
RECOMPENCE n. (obsolete) a reward, a compensation, also RECOMPENSE.
RECONCEIVEreconceive v. To conceive something in a new way.
RECONCEIVE v. to conceive again.
RECTOCELESrectoceles n. Plural of rectocele.
RECTOCELE n. the herniation of the rectum into the vagina.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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