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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 3C, I, S and T

CATCHCRIEScatchcries n. Plural of catchcry.
CATCHCRY n. (Australian) a phrase commonly used by a particular group.
CICATRICEScicatrices n. Plural of cicatrix.
cicatrices n. Plural of cicatrice.
CICATRIX n. (Latin) the scar of a healed wound, burn, etc., also CICATRICE.
COCCOLITEScoccolites n. Plural of coccolite.
COCCOLITE n. a small rounded body found in chalk formations, consisting of microscopic plates secreted by extinct algal plankton, also COCCOLITH.
COCCOLITHScoccoliths n. Plural of coccolith.
COCCOLITH n. a small rounded body found in chalk formations, consisting of microscopic plates secreted by extinct algal plankton, also COCCOLITE.
CRESCENTICcrescentic adj. Growing, increasing, gaining size, etc.
crescentic adj. Crescent-shaped.
CRESCENTIC adj. formed like a crescent.
CYSTICERCIcysticerci n. Plural of cysticercus.
CYSTICERCUS n. the larval stage of many tapeworms.
ECCENTRICSeccentrics n. Plural of eccentric.
ECCENTRIC n. one who is odd or unconventional.
SPITCHCOCKspitchcock n. (Obsolete) A method of cooking an eel (or occasionally some other fish) by splitting it along the back…
spitchcock n. (By extension, archaic or obsolete) An eel (or other fish) prepared in this way.
spitchcock v. (Transitive, cooking, archaic or obsolete) To cook (an eel, or occasionally some other fish) by splitting…
SUCCINCTERsuccincter adj. Comparative form of succinct: more succinct.
SUCCINCT adj. clearly expressed in a few words.
SUCCINCTLYsuccinctly adv. In a succinct manner, concisely.
SUCCINCT adv. clearly expressed in a few words.
TRICYCLICStricyclics n. Plural of tricyclic.
TRICYCLIC n. a tricyclic drug, used as an antidepressant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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