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There are 19 words containing C, M, P, T and X

COMPLEXATIONcomplexation n. (Chemistry) The formation of a complex.
COMPLEXATION n. a complex.
COMPLEXATIONScomplexations n. Plural of complexation.
COMPLEXATION n. a complex.
COMPLEXESTcomplexest adj. Superlative form of complex: most complex.
COMPLEX adj. complicated.
COMPLEXITIEScomplexities n. Plural of complexity.
COMPLEXITY n. the state of being complex.
COMPLEXITYcomplexity n. (Uncountable) The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement.
complexity n. (Countable) That which is and renders complex; intricacy; complication.
COMPLEXITY n. the state of being complex.
COMPLEXOMETRICcomplexometric adj. (Chemistry) Describing a form of titration in which the titrant forms a complex (usually coloured) with the analyte.
complexometric adj. (Chemistry) Describing any indicator that is used in such titrations.
COMPLEXOMETRIC adj. as in complexometric indicator, a dye that undergoes a definite color change in presence of specific metal ions.
COUNTEREXAMPLEcounterexample n. (Logic) An example that counters a general rule; an exception to a general rule; a specific instance…
COUNTEREXAMPLE n. an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory.
COUNTEREXAMPLEScounterexamples n. Plural of counterexample.
COUNTEREXAMPLE n. an example that refutes or disproves a proposition or theory.
EXCEPTIONALISMexceptionalism n. The state of being special, exceptional or unique.
exceptionalism n. The belief that something (A nation, species etc.) is exceptional, superior, or does not conform to…
exceptionalism n. A philosophy of prevention or of intervention.
EXCEPTIONALISMSexceptionalisms n. Plural of exceptionalism.
EXCEPTIONALISM n. the condition of being different from the norm.
EXCERPTUMexcerptum n. An excerpt.
EXCERPTUM n. (Latin) an excerpt, selection.
EXEMPLIFICATIONexemplification n. The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.
exemplification n. That which exemplifies; a case in point; example.
exemplification n. (Law) A copy or transcript attested to be correct by the seal of an officer having custody of the original.
EXEMPLIFICATIVEexemplificative adj. Serving as an example; illustrative.
EXEMPLIFICATIVE adj. serving to exemplify.
EXOPHTHALMICexophthalmic adj. Of, or relating to exophthalmos.
exophthalmic adj. Having prominent eyeballs.
EXOPHTHALMIC adj. pertaining to or marked by protrusion of eyeball.
HYPEREXCITEMENThyperexcitement n. A state of very high excitement.
HYPEREXCITEMENT n. the state of being hyperexcited.
MIXOTROPHICmixotrophic adj. Of or pertaining to mixotrophy or mixotrophs.
MIXOTROPHIC adj. combining different modes of nutrition.
PLEXIMETRICpleximetric adj. Relating to a pleximeter.
PLEXIMETRIC adj. relating to a pleximeter.
TOXOPLASMICtoxoplasmic adj. Pertaining to toxoplasmas.
TOXOPLASMIC adj. relating to toxoplasma.
XEROPHTHALMICxerophthalmic adj. Of or pertaining to xerophthalmia.
XEROPHTHALMIC adj. relating to xerophthalmia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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