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There are 19 words containing C, G, 2U and Y

AGRICULTURALLYagriculturally adv. In a manner pertaining to agriculture.
AGRICULTURAL adv. of, relating to, used in, or concerned with agriculture.
CHIKUNGUNYAchikungunya n. A viral fever caused by the Chikungunya virus, an alphavirus spread by mosquito bites.
CHIKUNGUNYASSorry, definition not available.
CONGRUOUSLYcongruously adv. In a congruous manner.
CONGRUOUS adv. harmonious, concordant.
CONTIGUOUSLYcontiguously adv. In a contiguous manner.
CONTIGUOUS adv. being in actual contact.
COURAGEOUSLYcourageously adv. In a courageous manner; bravely; boldly.
COURAGEOUS adv. having or characterized by courage.
CURMUDGEONLYcurmudgeonly adj. Characteristic of a curmudgeon; churlish.
CURMUDGEONLY adj. like a curmudgeon.
FUGACIOUSLYfugaciously adv. In a fugacious way.
FUGACIOUS adv. lasting a short time, evanescent.
GLAUCOUSLYglaucously adv. In a glaucous manner.
GLAUCOUS adv. sea-green; greyish-blue; covered with a powdery greenish or bluish bloom.
INCONGRUOUSLYincongruously adv. In an incongruous manner.
INCONGRUOUS adv. lacking congruity.
INCONTIGUOUSLYincontiguously adv. In an incontiguous manner.
INCONTIGUOUS adv. not contiguous.
MUCILAGINOUSLYmucilaginously adv. In a mucilaginous manner.
MUCILAGINOUS adv. sticky, viscid.
NEUROSURGICALLYneurosurgically adv. In a neurosurgical manner; with regard to, or by means of, neurosurgery.
NEUROSURGICAL adv. relating to neurosurgery.
PUGNACIOUSLYpugnaciously adv. In an aggressive or combative manner.
PUGNACIOUS adv. having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
SCULDUGGERYsculduggery n. Alternative spelling of skulduggery.
SCULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SKULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
UNCOURAGEOUSLYuncourageously adv. Without courage; in a cowardly manner.
UNGRACEFULLYungracefully adv. In an ungraceful manner.
UNGRACEFUL adv. not graceful.
UNGRACIOUSLYungraciously adv. In an ungracious manner.
UNGRACIOUS adv. not courteous.
UNSUSPECTINGLYunsuspectingly adv. In an unsuspecting manner.
UNSUSPECTING adv. not suspecting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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