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There are 19 words containing C, F, 2M and S

CONFORMISMconformism n. A willingness to conform; conformity.
CONFORMISM n. compliance with established practice.
MICROFILMSmicrofilms n. Plural of microfilm.
microfilms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microfilm.
MICROFILM v. to make a microfilm copy of, a photographic film with one or more very small images of printed or other graphic matter.
MICROFORMSmicroforms n. Plural of microform.
MICROFORM n. a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
COMMODIFIEScommodifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of commodify.
COMMODIFY v. to make a commodity of something.
CONFORMISMSconformisms n. Plural of conformism.
CONFORMISM n. compliance with established practice.
ECOFEMINISMecofeminism n. A sociopolitical movement combining feminism and environmentalism.
ECOFEMINISM n. a movement or theory that applies feminist principles and ideas to ecological issues.
ECOFEMINISMSecofeminisms n. Plural of ecofeminism.
ECOFEMINISM n. a movement or theory that applies feminist principles and ideas to ecological issues.
MICROFILMERSmicrofilmers n. Plural of microfilmer.
MICROFILMER n. one who works with microfilm.
FIDEICOMMISSAfideicommissa n. Plural of fideicommissum.
FIDEICOMMISSUM n. a request by a decedent that the heir or legatee to the estate convey a specified part of the estate to another person, or permit another person to enjoy such a part.
NONCONFORMISMnonconformism n. Synonym of nonconformity ().
nonconformism n. (Often capitalized, English church history) The situation or tenets of A Protestant in England who was…
NONCONFORMISM n. nonconformity.
FERROCHROMIUMSFERROCHROMIUM n. an alloy of iron with chromium, also FERROCHROME.
FIDEICOMMISSUMfideicommissum n. A benefit bequeathed to a beneficiary who inherits the benefit, subject to the obligation of bequeathing…
FIDEICOMMISSUM n. a request by a decedent that the heir or legatee to the estate convey a specified part of the estate to another person, or permit another person to enjoy such a part.
MICROFILAMENTSmicrofilaments n. Plural of microfilament.
MICROFILAMENT n. a very thin filament present in large numbers in muscle and the cytoplasm of other cells.
MUMMIFICATIONSmummifications n. Plural of mummification.
MUMMIFICATION n. the act of mummifying.
NONCONFORMISMSnonconformisms n. Plural of nonconformism.
NONCONFORMISM n. nonconformity.
AMMONIFICATIONSammonifications n. Plural of ammonification.
AMMONIFICATION n. the act of ammoniating.
FIDEICOMMISSARYfideicommissary n. (Law, ancient Rome) the beneficiary of a fideicommissum.
FIDEICOMMISSARY adj. relating to a fideicommissum.
SEMIMANUFACTUREsemimanufacture n. A goods item that has undergone a limited amount of processing but is not yet a finished product.
SEMIMANUFACTURE n. a manufactured product, material, etc., used to make an end-product.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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