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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing C, O, P and 2U

BEAUCOUPSbeaucoups n. Plural of beaucoup.
BEAUCOUP n. a great amount.
CRAPULOUScrapulous adj. Characterized by excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Suffering physically from the consequences of excessive eating or drinking.
crapulous adj. Surcharged with liquor; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating.
OPERCULUMoperculum n. (Zoology) A covering flap in animals, such as a gill cover.
operculum n. (Botany) The lidlike portion of a moss sporangium or of a fruit that detaches to allow the dispersal…
operculum n. (Dentistry) A gum flap covering (part of) a partially erupted tooth, usually a wisdom tooth.
OPUSCULAROPUSCULAR adj. of or like an opuscule.
OPUSCULESopuscules n. Plural of opuscule.
OPUSCULE n. a short work, also OPUSCLE, OPUSCULUM.
OPUSCULUMopusculum n. An opuscule; a short work.
OPUSCULUM n. a short work, also OPUSCLE, OPUSCULE.
PECUNIOUSpecunious adj. With money, wealthy; financially independent.
pecunious adj. (Figuratively) rich (Of quality, etc.).
PECUNIOUS adj. having a lot of money.
POUCHFULSpouchfuls n. Plural of pouchful.
POUCHFUL n. as much as a pouch can hold.
PROCUREURprocureur n. (Law) A procurator.
PROCUREUR n. (French) a procurator, also PROCURATOR.
PUMICEOUSpumiceous adj. Of or pertaining to pumice; resembling pumice.
PUMICEOUS adj. of or pertaining to pumice.
PUNCHOUTSpunchouts n. Plural of punchout.
punch-outs n. Plural of punch-out.
punch␣outs n. Plural of punch out.
UNCORRUPTuncorrupt adj. Not corrupt; honest, fair.
uncorrupt adj. (Archaic) Not having decayed.
UNCORRUPT adj. not corrupt, also INCORRUPT.
UNCOUPLEDuncoupled adj. Not coupled to something; disconnected; detached.
uncoupled v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncouple.
UNCOUPLE v. to disconnect.
UNCOUPLERuncoupler n. Anything that uncouples.
uncoupler n. (Biochemistry) Any substance that inhibits ATP synthesis by breaking its connection with the electron…
UNCOUPLER n. a device for uncoupling.
UNCOUPLESuncouples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncouple.
UNCOUPLE v. to disconnect.
UPCOUNTRYupcountry adj. Living or situated remote from the seacoast.
upcountry n. The interior of the country.
upcountry adv. Towards the interior of the country and away from the seacoast.
USUCAPIONusucapion n. The acquisition of right or title to an object by means of the passage of time. The common law analogue…
USUCAPION n. the acquisition of a property through long usage, also USUCAPTION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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