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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing C, F, O, P and T

CLIFFTOPSclifftops n. Plural of clifftop.
CLIFFTOP n. the top of a cliff.
COFFEEPOTcoffeepot n. Alternative spelling of coffee pot.
coffee-pot n. Alternative form of coffee pot.
coffee␣pot n. A tall pot in which coffee is brewed or served.
COPYFIGHTcopyfight n. A dispute over copyright.
copyfight v. To engage in a dispute over copyright.
COPYFIGHT n. the conflict between copyright holders and other individuals over the use, distribution and replication of copyright materials.
COPYLEFTScopylefts n. Plural of copyleft.
copylefts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of copyleft.
COPYLEFT v. to publish (intellectual property) under a license that allows free use and modification.
FETOSCOPEfetoscope n. A flexible fibreoptic device used to view a foetus in the womb.
fetoscope n. A form of stethoscope for listening to the foetal heartbeat.
FETOSCOPE n. an instrument used for looking at the fetus.
FETOSCOPYfetoscopy n. An endoscopic procedure during pregnancy to allow access to the fetus, the amniotic cavity, the umbilical…
FETOSCOPY n. a procedure for viewing the fetus directly, within the uterus, also FOETOSCOPY.
FLOPTICALfloptical adj. (Computing, data storage) Using a combination of magnetic and optical technology.
floptical n. A floptical disk.
FLOPTICAL n. a type of read-write head using a laser device.
FOOTPACESfootpaces n. Plural of footpace.
FOOTPACE n. (obsolete) a walking pace.
FORCIPATEforcipate adj. (Botany, zoology) Having a forceps-like structure.
FORCIPATE adj. formed and opening like a forceps, also FORCIPATED.
PERFECTORperfector n. One who perfects.
PERFECTOR n. a machine for perfecting, printing both sides at once.
PERFECTOSperfectos n. Plural of perfecto.
Perfectos prop.n. Plural of Perfecto.
PERFECTO n. (Spanish) a large tapering cigar.
PITCHFORKpitchfork n. An agricultural tool comprising a fork with sparse, light tines, attached to a long handle, used for…
pitchfork n. A similar fork with slightly more and heavier tines, used for mucking stalls and pitching soiled bedding…
pitchfork n. (Casual, loosely) Any fork used for farm labor, even a digging fork (but such usage is often considered…
POCKETFULpocketful n. The amount that a pocket would hold.
pocketful n. (Figurative) A small or moderate amount.
POCKETFUL n. the contents of a pocket.
PONTIFICEpontifice n. Bridgework; structure or edifice of a bridge.
PONTIFICE n. (Milton) bridgework; a bridge.
POSTFACESpostfaces n. Plural of postface.
POSTFACE n. a brief note placed at the end of a publication.
SOFTSCAPEsoftscape n. The live horticultural elements of a landscape, such as shrubs and flowers.
softscape v. (Transitive) To provide (a landscape) with live horticultural elements such as shrubs and flowers.
SOFTSCAPE n. vegetation (as shrubs and flowers) that is incorporated into a landscape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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