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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2C, D, H and U

ARCHDUCALarchducal adj. Pertaining to an archduke or archduchess.
ARCHDUCAL adj. of or pertaining to an archduke or archduchy.
ARCHDUCHYarchduchy n. The territory (principality) of an archduke.
ARCHDUCHY n. the territory of an archduke or archduchess.
CARDPUNCHcardpunch n. Alternative form of card punch.
card␣punch n. (Computing, historical) A machine that punches holes in a punch card.
CARDPUNCH n. a machine which perforates cards to record data.
CLAUCHTEDCLAUCHT v. (Scots) to snatch, also CLAUGHT.
CRAUNCHEDcraunched v. Simple past tense and past participle of craunch.
CRAUNCH v. (dialect) to chew with a crackling sound, also CRUNCH, CRANCH.
DISCHURCHdischurch v. (Transitive) To deprive of status as a church, or of membership in a church.
DISCHURCH v. (obsolete) to deprive of church rank or privileges.
HICCUPPEDhiccupped v. Simple past tense and past participle of hiccup.
HICCUP v. to make a peculiar-sounding spasmodic inhalation, also HICCOUGH.
SCHMUCKEDSCHMUCK v. (Yiddish) to hit or flatten.
SCRAUCHEDSCRAUCH v. (Scots) to squawk, also SCRAUGH.
SCRUNCHEDscrunched v. Simple past tense and past participle of scrunch.
SCRUNCH v. to crush.
UNCHECKEDunchecked adj. Unrestrained, not held back.
unchecked adj. Not examined for accuracy, efficiency, etc.
unchecked adj. (Chiefly computing) Of a check box: not checked (ticked or enabled).
UNCLICHEDuncliched adj. Having no clichés.
unclichéd adj. Not clichéd.
UNCLICHED adj. not cliched.
UPCHUCKEDupchucked v. Simple past tense and past participle of upchuck.
UPCHUCK v. to vomit.
WOODCHUCKwoodchuck n. A rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots, Marmota monax.
WOODCHUCK n. (Native American) a common large North American marmot, aka groundhog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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