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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing C, 3N and O

ANNOUNCEannounce v. (Transitive) to give public notice, especially for the first time; to make known.
announce v. (Transitive) to pronounce; to declare by judicial sentence.
ANNOUNCE v. to make known publicly.
CANNELONcannelon n. (Cooking, obsolete) A fluted mold, or dish prepared in such a mold.
CANNELON n. (Italian) a stuffed roll.
CANNONEDcannoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of cannon.
cannoned adj. (Poetic) Furnished with cannon.
CANNON v. to collide with, strike on the rebound.
CANNONRYcannonry n. Cannons, collectively; battery of cannons.
cannonry n. The firing of cannons.
CANNONRY n. artillery.
CINNAMONcinnamon n. (Countable) A small evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka and southern India, Cinnamomum verum or Cinnamomum…
cinnamon n. Several related trees, notably the Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni) and Chinese cinnamon or…
cinnamon n. (Chiefly uncountable) A spice from the dried aromatic bark of the cinnamon tree, either rolled into…
CONNINGSconnings n. Plural of conning.
CONNING n. the act of directing, steering.
INCONNUEinconnue n. Alternative form of inconnu (fish).
INCONNUE n. (French) an unknown (female) person.
INCONNUSinconnus n. Plural of inconnu.
INCONNU n. (French) an unknown (male) person; a large food fish of NW Canada.
INNOCENTinnocent adj. Free from guilt, sin, or immorality.
innocent adj. Bearing no legal responsibility for a wrongful act.
innocent adj. Without wrongful intent; accidental or in good faith.
NONANOICnonanoic adj. (Organic chemistry) Derived from nonanoic acid.
NONANOIC adj. as in nonanoic acid, a colourless fatty acid.
NONCLINGnoncling adj. That does not cling.
NONCLING adj. of a material, that does not cling.
NONCOUNTnoncount adj. (Grammar) Not a count noun.
non-count adj. (Grammar) Uncountable.
NONCOUNT adj. not capable of being counted.
NONDANCEnondance adj. Unrelated to the world of dance.
nondance n. Something that is not exactly a dance.
non-dance n. Alternative spelling of nondance.
NONIONICnonionic adj. Not ionic; anionic.
NONIONIC adj. not ionic.
NONTONICnontonic adj. (Music) not tonic.
NONTONIC adj. in music and poetry, not tonic.
NUNCHEONnuncheon n. (Now dialectal, archaic) A drink or light snack taken in the afternoon; a refreshment between meals.
NUNCHEON n. a light meal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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