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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing C, L, N, P and R

COPLANARcoplanar adj. (Geometry, of at least two things, usually lines or plane figures) Within the same plane.
coplanar adj. (Astronomy, of multiple planets or other orbiting bodies) Orbiting a central celestial object within…
COPLANAR adj. on the same plane.
CROPLANDcropland n. Arable land.
CROPLAND n. farm land.
PARLANCEparlance n. A certain way of speaking, of using words; especially that associated with a particular job or interest.
parlance n. Of a word, the quality of being lexicalized; especially as jargon or slang.
parlance n. (Archaic, rare) Speech, discussion or debate.
PENCILERpenciler n. In comic book production, a person who develops the plot and creative content, and draws an outline…
PENCILER n. one who pencils, also PENCILLER.
PERCOLINPERCOLIN n. a small bird, a cross between a partridge and a quail.
PILCORNSpilcorns n. Plural of pilcorn.
PILCORN n. the naked oat, a variety in which the glume does not adhere to the grain.
PINCURLSPINCURL n. a curl held in place by a hairpin.
PLECTRONplectron n. (Music) Alternative form of plectrum.
PLECTRON n. a small pointed object for plucking guitar strings, also PLECTRUM, PLECTRE.
PRECLEANpreclean v. (Transitive) To clean in advance.
preclean n. The act of cleaning something in advance.
PRECLEAN v. to clean beforehand.
PRELUNCHprelunch adj. Before lunch.
PRELUNCH adj. before lunch.
PRINCELYprincely adj. Relating to a prince; regal; royal.
princely adj. Befitting a prince; grand; lavish or opulent.
princely adv. In the manner of a royal prince’s conduct.
REPLICONreplicon n. (Genetics) A DNA molecule or a region of DNA that replicates as an individual unit. A replicon may be…
REPLICON n. a part of a DNA molecule replicated from a single origin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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